UTFA Faculty, students, and alums participated in the Indigenous Cultures Institute’s Indigenous Arts Summer Encounter. Roxanne Schroeder-Arce (UTFA Associate Dean) is a nonIndigenous member of the board of elders, who conducted research and provided feedback on arts pedagogy during the encounter. Jose Flores (Music Education Alumni), Andrew Aaron Valdez (Theatre Education Alumni), Juan Leyva (Theatre Education Alumni), and Oscar Franco (Theatre Education Alumni) served as staff members for the encounter. Recent Theatre Education graduates Yobany Pizano, Valeria Najera Zavala, Layla Villarreal, and current Theatre Education student Haylie Boyd worked as interns.
Summer Highlight: Dr. Christina Bain interviewed by K12 ArtChat podcast
The K12ArtChat podcast (hosts Matt and Laura Grundler) interviewed UTeach Art Education Associate Professor Dr. Christina Bain for their July 2024 episode. The interview explores ethics in the art room and discusses her upcoming book, Ethical Decision-Making in Art Education. To listen to the episode and learn more, click HERE.
Summer Highlight: Exploring the Arts, Exploring the Self Youth Summer Camp
The Exploring the Arts, Exploring the Self camp allowed youth to connect and learn about the arts disciplines. It occurred July 15-19, 2024, and comprised youth in grades second through fifth.
Under the guidance of Roxanne Schroeder-Arce, Associate Dean of UTeach Fine Arts, UTeach Theatre 2024 Alums Valeria Najera and Yobany Pizano, and UTeach Theatre student Daijha Mainor, the students explored art, music, dance, and theatre. Each day, the group engaged the arts to present and perform ideas of who they are as individuals and as a community.