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2022 UTRMC Operational Readiness Awards (ORA) Program
Recognition Program: MRC Unit 2444 – established August 29, 2011.
UTMRC has received several awards from National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO). We recently became one of the recipients of the new 2022 UTMRC Operational Readiness Awards (ORA).
Goals: The overall project goals for ORA award are to:
- Strengthen our unit’s capability and capacity through training;
- Collaborate with response partners to develop sustainable training plans to expand our unit’s readiness to respond to disasters and emergencies; and
- Enhance community members’ readiness to respond to disasters or emergencies.
Objectives: To achieve our goals, the following objectives are critical:
- Develop a UTMRC Unit Orientation Program handbook for pre-deployment. This handbook will serve as a guide for our current and potential UTMRC members.
- Conduct an orientation conference. Orientation training will provide foundational information essential for all UTMRC members.
- Facilitate a table-top exercise on mass sheltering during a pandemic using the Contra Costa MRC Alternate Care Site mission set as a framework for UT Austin and community stakeholders.
- Conduct training events on First Aid, Stop the Bleed and Psychological First Aid, Mental Health First Aid, and medical care in emergencies to deployable volunteers. Trained UTMRC volunteers will train community members on these trainings.
- Conduct a Leadership and Community Resiliency training to interested UTMRC volunteers.
The plan is to conduct yearly conferences and regularly schedule training events for UTMRC members and potential recruits. Future trainings will be informed by the outcomes of the conferences, training events and table-top exercise. Trainings may include disaster specific events such as winter preparedness and personal emergency preparedness. UTMRC members can attend the train-the-trainer activities to deliver trainings to neighborhoods and communities. We plan to disseminate the information from the evaluation of these trainings at regional and national conferences.