Our collaboration with the Bank group at UT Austin, led by Bank group student Andrew Briggs, in collaboration with the Podolskiy group at UMass Lowell and the Lee group at UIUC, “Enhanced room temperature infrared LEDs using monolithically integrated plasmonic materials“, published in Optica. Congratulations to all authors!
Mid-IR Emitters
Mid-IR QD LED paper published in APL!
Leland’s work published in APL as Editor’s Pick!
The Mid-IR Photonics group’s most recent work “Enhanced emission from ultra-thin long wavelength infrared superlattices on epitaxial plasmonic materials“, published in Applied Physics Letters and chosen as an Editor’s Pick. We demonstrate a significant emission enhancement from a monolithic epitaxial plasmonic/optoelectronic system where we are able to grow designer plasmonic… read more