Our new paper “Extending plasmonic response to the mid-wave infrared with all-epitaxial composites” published in Optics Letters! In this collaboration with friends at UMass Lowell and Purdue, post-doc Aaron Muhowski shows that by leveraging quantum confinement effects, collective excitations, and highly-doped large conduction band offset materials, plasmonic response can be… read more
NSF Funded
Ultra-Thin Plasmonic Detectors published in Optica
LRSPP paper published in J. Appl. Phys.
Our invited paper “All-epitaxial long-range surface plasmon polariton structures with integrated active materials” for the special topic issue on “Plasmonics: Enabling Functionalities with Novel Materials” in J. Appl. Phys. published. Congratulations to co-first authors Priyanka Petluru and Leland Nordin!!