Congratulations to Priyanka Petluru who successfully defended her dissertation “Characterization of III-V Alloys and Plasmonic Structures for Use in Infrared Detectors and Optoelectronic Devices” on 1/12/23!! Priyanka will be joining Sandia National Labs as a post-doc following her graduation!
Priyanka Petluru
Resonant Cavity Enhanced LWIR Detector Paper published
Our paper “”All-Epitaxial Resonant Cavity Enhanced Long-Wave Infrared Detectors for Focal Plane Arrays” led by Priyanka Petluru, with (former post-doc) Aaron Muhowski, (former student) Abhilasha Kamboj, and current students Morgan Bergthold, Noah Mansfield, and collaborators from Sandia National Labs is published in Applied Physics Letters today! Congrats to Priyanka and… read more