A list of Dr. Zornberg’s former students is shown below, with the name followed by the year of graduation. For Master’s and PhD students, the title of the thesis or dissertation is included, with a link to the PDF provided in most cases. The list is divided into Master’s of Science, PhD and Postdoctoral Students.
Thesis title: A Monography on Asphalt recycling.
Thesis title: Evaluation of Multilayered Elastostatic Back calculation using In-situ Measurements in Geosynthetic-reinforced Asphalt Pavement. [pdf]
Thesis title: Evaluation of the Separation Function of Geotextiles Using Accelerated Pavement Testing Conditions. [pdf]
Thesis title: Characterization of the Swelling Behavior of Expansive Clays using Centrifuge Technology. [pdf]
Thesis title: Monitoring and Prediction of Transient Unsaturated Flow in Clay Materials. [pdf]
Thesis title: Sources of Variability ion Small-scale Soil-geosynthetic Interaction Testing. [pdf]
Thesis title: Advances in Cross-plane and In-plane Geosynthetic Drainage. [pdf]
Thesis title: Lab Characterization of Near-surface Soils from Farm to Market Road 2. [pdf]
Thesis title: Moisture Drainage under Unsaturated Soil Conditions with the Aid of Enhanced Lateral Drainage (ELD) Geotextiles. [pdf]
Thesis title: Experimental Evaluation of Geocell Reinforcement Behavior using Transparent Soil Techniques. [pdf]
Thesis title: Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Integral/Semi-Integral Bridge Abutments for Texas Conditions. [pdf]
Thesis title: Potential Vertical Rise of Lime-Treated Expansive Clays Using Centrifuge Technology. [pdf]
Thesis title: Environmental Loads on Control and Geosynthetic Stabilized Pavements over Expansive Clay Subgrades. [pdf]
Thesis title: A Study on Geosynthetic-Reinforced Asphalt Systems. [pdf]
Thesis title: Effect of Orientation on In-isolation and In-soil Geosynthetic Properties. [pdf]
Thesis title: An Analytical Model for Quantification of Geosynthetic Benefits in Roadway Base Stabilization. [pdf]
Thesis title: Field Evaluation of Reinforced Asphalt Overlays using Strain Measurements. [pdf]
Thesis title: Investigation of Shear Band Mechanism in Reinforced Soil Retaining Wall using Pullout Tests. [pdf]
Thesis title: Centrifuge Measurements of Two-Phase Transient Flow in Rigid Porous Media. [pdf]
Thesis title: Parametric Evaluation of Relevant Parameters Affecting the Soil-Geosynthetic Interaction under Small Displacements. [pdf]
Thesis title: Use of Geotextiles with Enhanced Lateral Drainage in Roads over Expansive Clays. [pdf]
Thesis title: Determination of the Potential Vertical Rise in Expansive Soils Using Centrifuge Technology. [pdf]
Thesis title: Effect of Fabric on the Swelling of Highly Plastic Clays. [pdf]
Thesis title: Evaluation of the Rate of Secondary Swelling in Expansive Clays using Centrifuge Technology. [pdf]
Thesis title: Performance of Geotextile Capillary Barriers.
Thesis title: Evaluation of Pullout Results using Crushed Glass and Dredged Materials.
Thesis title: Pullout Evaluation of Uniaxial Geogrids Embedded in Dredged Material. [pdf]
Thesis title: Performance of Anchored Bulkheads.
Thesis title: Analysis of Dredge Material and Crushed Glass Blends with Uniaxial Geogrids in Pullout Tests. [pdf]
Thesis title: Pullout Evaluation of Steel Slag Fines and Dredged Material Blends with Uniaxial Geogrids. [pdf]
Thesis title: Anti-capillary Barrier Performance of Wicking Geotextiles. [pdf]
Thesis title: Analysis of a Database of Uniaxial Geogrid Pullout Resistance Results. [pdf]
Thesis title: Closure of a Uranium Mills Tailings Dam. [pdf]
Thesis title: Quantification using Centrifuge of Variables Governing the Swelling of Clays. [pdf]
Thesis title: Hydraulic Performance and Stability of Geosynthetic Landfill Cover Systems with Constrained Drainage at the Outlet. [pdf]
Thesis title: Effect of Deformability of Ridges on Interface Shear Strength. [pdf]
Thesis title: Monitoring of Time-dependent Deformations in a Geotextile-Reinforced Slope. [pdf]
Thesis title: Effect of Geogrid Characteristics on Confined Stiffness.
Thesis title: Field Performance of Geogrid Reinforced Low-volume Pavements. [pdf]
Thesis title: Subgrade Restraint Using Geotextiles. [pdf]
Thesis title: Hydraulic Classification of Unsaturated Nonwoven Geotextiles for use in Soil Structures. [pdf]
Thesis title: Centrifuge Testing of an Expansive Clay. [pdf]
Thesis title: Small Soil Column Investigation of Soil-Geotextile Capillary Barrier System. [pdf]
Thesis title: Evaluation of Synergism between Creep and Defects in a Low Linear Density Polyethylene (LLDPE) Geomembrane.
Thesis title: Calibration of Water Content Reflectometer. [pdf]
Thesis title: Passive Grouting with Colloidal Silica for Secondary Containment Systems.
Thesis title: Behavior of Fiber-reinforced Highly Plastic Clay. [pdf]
Thesis title: Mechanical Properties of Tire Bales.
Thesis title: Effect of Cracking on the Unsaturated Hydraulic Properties of Highly Plastic Clays. [pdf]
Thesis title: Pullout of Geosynthetic Reinforcement with in-Plane Drainage Capacity in Cohesive Soil.
Thesis title: Investigation of the Thermal Response of a Tire Shred-Soil Embankment. [pdf]
Thesis title: Characterization of Creep, Stress Relaxation and Residual Strength of a Woven Polypropylene Geotextile. [pdf]
Thesis title: A Study of the Residual Shear Strength of Clay Soils. [pdf]
Thesis title: Centrifuge Modelling for MSE-Shoring Composite Walls. [pdf]
Thesis title: Investigation of the Thermal Response of Tire Shred Fills. [pdf]
Thesis title: Performance of a Prototype Embankment Reinforced with Tire Shreds.
Thesis title: Geosynthetic-reinforced Bridge Abutments.
Thesis title: Internal and Interface Shear Strength of Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCLs).
Thesis title: Characterization of the Long-term Behavior of Geosynthetics using Time-temperature Superposition Methods.
Thesis title: Shear Strength of Tire Shred-Sand Mixtures.
Thesis title: Construction of a Prototype Embankment using Tire Shreds.
Thesis title: Upgrade of a Large Scale True Triaxial Apparatus for Shear Strength Characterization.
Dissertation title: Characterization of Expansive Clay Behavior using Centrifuge and Field Evaluations. [pdf]
Dissertation title: Evaluation of Soil-reinforcement Composite Interaction in Geosynthetic-reinforced Soil Structures. [pdf]
Dissertation title: Hydro-mechanical Characterization of Unsatured Clays using Centrifuge Technology. [pdf]
Dissertation title: Evaluation of Load Transfer Mechanisms Between Soil and Geogrid using Transparent Soil. [pdf]
Dissertation title: Analytical, Experimental, and Field Evaluations of Soil-Geosynthetic Interaction under Small Displacements. [pdf]
Dissertation title: Performance of Geotextiles with Enhanced Drainage. [pdf]
Dissertation title: Characterization of Soil Unsaturated Flow Properties Using Steady State Centrifuge Methods. [pdf]
Dissertation title: Performance of Flexible Pavements Enhanced using Geogrid-reinforced Asphalt Overlays. [pdf]
Dissertation title: Evaluation of Soil-geogrid Interaction at Different Load Levels Using Pullout Tests and Transparent Soil. [pdf]
Dissertation title: Experimental Assessment of the Effect of Infiltration on the Behavior of Fine-Grained Soils Reinforced with Nonwoven Geotextiles (Portuguese). [pdf]
Dissertation title: New Equipment to Conduct Confined-accelerated Creep Tests on Geosynthetics. [pdf]
Dissertation title: Mechanical and Physical Characterization of Tire Bales. [pdf]
Dissertation title: Effect of Cracking on the Unsaturated Hydraulic Properties of Highly Plastic Clays. [pdf]
Dissertation title: Stress Distribution within Geosynthetic Reinforced Structures. [pdf]
Dissertation title: A Study of Geosynthetic Reinforced Flexible Pavement System. [pdf]
Dissertation title: Leakage through Defects in Geomembrane Liners under High Hydraulic Heads. [pdf]
Dissertation title: Determination of the Hydraulic Characteristics of Unsaturated Soils Using a Centrifuge Permeameter. [pdf]
Dissertation title: Experimental Evaluation of Prototype Geotextile-Reinforced Retaining Walls. [pdf]
Dissertation title: Mechanical Response of Fiber-Reinforced Soil. [pdf]
Dissertation title: Time-dependent Deformations of Geotextile-reinforced Soil Walls. [pdf]
Dissertation title: Unsaturated Flow under Increased Gravitational Field. [pdf]
Dissertation title: Response of Geosynthetic-reinforced Structures under Working Stress and Failure Conditions.
Dissertation title: Study of Soil-geogrid Interaction Using Pullout Tests (Portuguese). [pdf]