Congratulations to Professor Huijuan Zhao, a PhD alumna of the group! In August 2024, she will be promoted to the rank of Full Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Clemson University!
Multiscale Nano Group News
Congratulations, Scooter!
High Entropy Alloys for CO2 Reduction!
Congratulations to Hananeh! Her work on screening high entropy alloys for CO2 reduction reaction using machine learning just appeared in APL Machine Learning!
Nanoscale Electrohydrodynamic Ion Transport
Congratulations to Scooter! His work on electrohydrodynamic ion transport in nanoscale geometries under strong polarization-induced surface effects just appeared in Physical Review E!
Scaling of Ionic Conductance in Fluctuating Membranes
Congratulations to Yechan! His work on scaling of ionic conductance in a fluctuating single-layer nanoporous membrane just appeared in Scientific Reports!
DeepForce: Linking ab initio to continuum scales using deep-learned forces
Congratulations to Haiyi, Chenxing and Jinu! The group’s work on developing a deep learning-based algorithm, called DeepForce, to link ab initio physics with the continuum theory to predict structure of confined water just appeared in the Journal of Chemical Physics.
Data-Driven Coarse-Graining of Liquids under Confinement
Congratulations to Ishan and Haiyi! Their work on developing a data-driven approach for coarse-graining simple liquids under nanoscale confinement just appeared in the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation!
Solid-Fluid coupling-induced force fluctuations!
Congratulations to Yechan! His work on solid-fluid coupling showed the presence of fluctuating forces and activation of atomic transport through nanoporous membranes. This work appeared in Applied Physics Letters!
Ethanol/Water Separation using Angstrom-Scale Pores
Congratulations to Archith! His collaborative work with Prof. Wang’s group on separation of water from ethanol using angstrom-sized pores just appeared in Nanoscale!
Alumnus joins Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Faculty at NCSU!
Congratulations to Mohammad (Mosi) Heiranian, a PhD alumnus of the group! He just joined the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) faculty at NCSU. Mosi is in the process of building his research group at MAE/NCSU. Please contact him at for potential research opportunities in his group!