Congratulations to Thanh – a postdoc in the group! He just joined Samsung!
Multiscale Nano Group News
Shantanu joins Google Research
Proton permeation through ultrathin solids
Congratulations to Archith! His work on proton permeation through a MXene just appeared in Applied Physics Letters!
Modified Lucas-Washburn theory for fluid-filling in nano-capillaries!
Congratulations to Mohammad! His work on correcting the classical Lucas-Washburn theory for fluid filling in nanopores just appeared in Physical Review E!
Hossein’s work just appeared in Natural Sciences!
Congratulations to Hossein! His collaborative work on revealing an unconventional electrical double-layer arising in organic solvent/substrate interfaces has just appeared in the journal Natural Sciences!
Check out Alireza’s work on machine learning-based force-field for water!
Congratulations to Alireza! His work on many-body neural network-based force field for water has just appeared in the Journal of Physical Chemistry A.
Check out Jinu and Alireza’s work on DeepILST!
Congratulations to Jinu and Alireza! Their work on deep learning-based coarse-grained simulation of a large class of simple fluids at various thermodynamic states appeared in JPCA!
Machine Learning Assisted Screening of 2D Materials for Water Desalination!
Congratulations to Pikee, Chinh and Anshul! They use machine learning and show that there are many two-dimensional (2D) materials that exhibit improved performance over widely studied 2D materials for water desalination. The work just appeared in ACS Nano.
Quasi-Continuum Theories for Nanoscale Fluids
Check out the group’s work on the development of quasi-continuum theories for multiscale analysis of nanoscale fluids. Here is the link to the paper that appeared in IACM Expressions.