Economics & Trade Policy Global Policy Studies & International Security Politics and Governance

Nostalgia in Argentine Politics

Agustín Rossi, Argentina’s Minister of Defense and potential presidential candidate, spoke at the LBJ School recently. While Rossi’s speech pointed to many of Argentina’s clear successes in terms of its relationship with South America, it was also littered with reminders of the country’s fixation with the past. This fixation is not particular to Rossi, but […]

Economics & Trade Policy Global Policy Studies & International Security

Dear Scotland, Don’t Go

If, as the adage goes, history rarely repeats itself but often rhymes, then Scottish voters may be dangerously close to the end of a verse. On Thursday, Scottish voters will go to the polls to vote on whether or not to leave the United Kingdom. Unfortunately, the plan for independence does not include monetary independence. […]

Economics & Trade Policy

Data Visualization at the LBB

The opinions herein reflect those of the author and in no way represent those of the Legislative Budget Board of Texas When someone asks me what I do at the LBB, I jokingly describe my position as “graph-monkey”. But there’s a bit more to it than that: My internship at the LBB is creating interactive […]

Economics & Trade Policy Global Policy Studies & International Security LBJ School Politics and Governance

Hot town, summer in the city – Central and Eastern Europe in DC

Is it a frontier space, a buffer area, a window into the east… or west, a tinderbox, or something else entirely? Since last November, more people have joined the conversation on how to understand Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Like any region, it cannot be simply summarized. Understanding the various threads of the CEE tapestry […]

Economics & Trade Policy Global Policy Studies & International Security Health & Social Policy LBJ School

Strengthening Women’s Economic Entrepreneurship in Mongolia

While Mongolia has made considerable progress on key gender-related indicators under the Millennium Development Goals,[1] significant gender disparities remain in labor markets and the business sector. Women are underrepresented in the country’s high-growth industries, in managerial positions, and have limited participation in formal entrepreneurial activities. From a cultural perspective, women are also still viewed as […]

Economics & Trade Policy Education Policy

Building Economic Ties between the United States and Brazil through Education

At the crack of dawn tomorrow morning, I will board a train travelling 12 hours from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais to Linhares, Espirito Santo, Brazil. There I will begin the on-site phase of the Global Leadership Fellowship with Denver-based NGO, US-Brazil Connect (USBC). The NGO focuses on assisting Brazilian vocational and high school students with […]

Economics & Trade Policy Energy & Environmental Policy Philanthropy & Non-Profit Organizations

Limited Impact: Questioning Impact Investment

Last week, the Net Impact chapter at UT’s McCombs School of Business hosted a summit on “Business for Good,” with one panel devoted to social impact investing. Social impact investing is any form of investment that has positive effects for the broader community. It is hard to state a more precise definition, because “impact investing” […]

Economics & Trade Policy Energy & Environmental Policy Global Policy Studies & International Security Philanthropy & Non-Profit Organizations Technology Policy

Doing Well and Doing Good: The Business for Good Summit

The McCombs School of Business Net Impact Chapter is hosting its 6th annual summit on business and social impact. Formerly called the Sustainable Business Summit, The Business for Good Summit has broadened its scope to address some of the more meaningful questions about how business can be used as a platform to affect social and […]

Economics & Trade Policy Global Policy Studies & International Security Politics and Governance

Qatar 2022: A World Cup Built on Slavery

For the first time in history, an Arab country, Qatar, has won the bid to host the World Cup in 2022. Yet, allegations of borderline slave labor used to build the stadium have caused many to wonder whether Qatar deserves to host the World Cup. These allegations are based on two prominent studies independently conducted […]

Economics & Trade Policy Global Policy Studies & International Security LBJ School Multimedia

Can the Eurozone Be Saved? The World Should Certainly Hope So

The prevailing monetary policy of unremitting austerity throughout Europe, being championed most notably by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, was recently put to task by some of the most important minds in international economics at a two-day conference hosted by the LBJ School. LBJ’s own Dr. James Galbraith was instrumental in organizing the conference and bringing […]