LBJ School Multimedia Politics and Governance University of Texas at Austin

Graduate Public Affairs Council (GPAC) 2015 Elections

Editorial Note: This election has been decided. Check the bottom of the page for results.  Who’s committed to the idea of electing leadership through democratic decision making processes? That’s right – as students at the LBJ School of Public Affairs, we all are. Let’s live out one of the most special political exercises around and […]

Health & Social Policy Politics and Governance

Marijuana Drug Scheduling: Something We Need to Ask Ourselves

A Partnership Piece from The Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University How many readers have consumed marijuana before? How many readers have been actively harmed by someone under the influence of marijuana? It may surprise you to know that marijuana is currently listed under Schedule 1, the most dangerous category, and a class of drugs deemed […]

Health & Social Policy Partner Policy Schools Politics and Governance

Rape Insurance: Shaming the Women of Michigan

 A Partnership Piece from the University of Michigan’s Ford School of Public Policy As of March 13, 2014, women in Michigan are expected to plan ahead for unplanned pregnancies. Yes, you read that right. The passage of the “Abortion Insurance Opt-Out Act” in Michigan requires most private and all public health insurance plans to offer […]

Economics & Trade Policy Politics and Governance

Auditor’s Paradise: Coolio’s Elements of an Audit Finding

If, to paraphrase Justice Louis Brandeis, a little publicity is “the best of disinfectants,” then consider government auditors the cleaning people. These auditors help focus the public and their leaders’ attention on all aspects of government in order to root out waste, fraud, and abuse. By allowing the public and their elected leaders to scrutinize […]

Politics and Governance

America’s Political Transformation or Just a Change in the Razorback Nation?

This Op-Ed is part of a series of Op-Ed dialogues with partnering public policy schools.  In the 2014 midterm elections, Americans sent a clear message—they are currently displeased with the liberal policies of the Obama Administration.  Republicans, moderates, and independents overwhelmingly voted for Republicans in an attempt to reign in the administration and to prevent […]

Politics and Governance

The Incumbency Disadvantage

This Op-Ed is part of a series of Op-Ed dialogues with partnering public policy schools.  The last few years have not been kind to Democrats. They kicked off the decade by losing legislative power to Republicans at both the state and federal level – and followed it up this year by ceding even more ground. […]

Economics & Trade Policy Politics and Governance

Catalonia’s referendum, a global example of Democracy

Last Sunday November 9, the Catalan government hosted a non-binding referendum on Catalonia independence from Spain. More than 2.3 out of the 7.5 million Catalans turned out and 81% voted in favor of independence. The Spanish government refuses to recognize the poll, leaving a heavy political gridlock at stake. Catalonia is not a lone star […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security LBJ School Politics and Governance

Former Director of Israeli Mossad Interrupted by Protesters During UT Lecture

Meir Dagan, the former Director-General of the Israeli Mossad, gave a lecture at the LBJ School on October 14 that was ultimately remarkable not for its content, but rather the reaction it produced. Literally translated to “The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations”, the Mossad is the Israeli organization responsible for national intelligence collection and […]

Economics & Trade Policy Global Policy Studies & International Security Politics and Governance

Nostalgia in Argentine Politics

Agustín Rossi, Argentina’s Minister of Defense and potential presidential candidate, spoke at the LBJ School recently. While Rossi’s speech pointed to many of Argentina’s clear successes in terms of its relationship with South America, it was also littered with reminders of the country’s fixation with the past. This fixation is not particular to Rossi, but […]

Education Policy Politics and Governance

The Elephant in the Room

The 2014 Tribune Festival’s coverage of issues related to higher education in Texas began with a panel discussion on the State’s Closing the Gap education plan. Texas initiated the initial plan in 2000 to address low minority postsecondary education rates. This year’s panel was composed of educators, analysts, administrators and politicians, some having served in […]

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