Global Policy Studies & International Security Multimedia Politics and Governance Technology Policy

In Defense of Pretty Maps

Cartography is pretty hot these days. Maps tap into our brains’ spatial reasoning abilities to make any public issue more immediate and understandable to wider audiences—and with the advent of open data and free tools, anyone with a computer can produce maps. Clearly, the trend has particular consequences for policymaking, although the burden of proof […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security Politics and Governance

Peace and Victims: An Interview with Christian Voelkel of the International Crisis Group

Peace talks between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) resume next week in Havana, and the highly anticipated round on the issue of victims is up for negotiations. At the table, 15 delegates will represent over 4,000 victims’ organizations and more than 6 million victims of murder, kidnapping, sexual violence […]

Politics and Governance

Thank Goodness for Auditors!

Let’s play a word association game. What do you think about when I write the word ‘auditor’? Did you immediately think about the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)? If so, you are not alone. According to my extremely unscientific polling (also known as casual conversation with family and friends), many people associate the word ‘audit’ with […]

Economics & Trade Policy Global Policy Studies & International Security LBJ School Politics and Governance

Hot town, summer in the city – Central and Eastern Europe in DC

Is it a frontier space, a buffer area, a window into the east… or west, a tinderbox, or something else entirely? Since last November, more people have joined the conversation on how to understand Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Like any region, it cannot be simply summarized. Understanding the various threads of the CEE tapestry […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security Politics and Governance

Making Copies and Pouring Coffee? Not at USEU.

When I’m not strolling around the many parks in the city of Brussels, I’m spending my summer in the Public Affairs (PA) section of the Mission to the European Union (USEU). The PA office has two facets, one that works with press and social media, and the other which is cultural affairs, exchanges and programming. […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security Politics and Governance

A Win for Peace in Colombia

On Sunday Colombians reelected President Juan Manuel Santos in one of the nation’s closest elections in decades. Declared a referendum for peace, the election signals public support for the ongoing peace negotiations between the Santos government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, better known as the FARC. The fifty-year armed conflict between the Colombian […]

Op-Ed Politics and Governance

Barbara Jordan: Trying to Be Big

Barbara Jordan lived a life that was both inspiring and instructive. As a community we have much to gain from reflecting on her character and contributions to our public history. In word and action, she advocated for acceptance, compromise and the inclusion of all citizens in the democratic process — principles that are more relevant than ever […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security LBJ School Politics and Governance

A New Kind of Battle

Clicking through the archives of the Washington Post with a steaming cup of coffee in hand, I came across an article written by Martha McSally, an Air Force lieutenant colonel who served in Saudi Arabia. Her article, entitled “Why American troops in Afghanistan shouldn’t have to wear headscarves” responds to the current military policy recommending […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security LBJ School Multimedia Politics and Governance

Amb. Bolton Presents an Alternative to Pres. Obama’s Foreign Policy

Thursday evening, the LBJ School welcomed former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John R. Bolton for a spirited and comprehensive speech on global policy in Bass Lecture Hall. Ambassador Bolton, who served in senior positions in both Bush Administrations as well as the Reagan Administration, offered a vigorous critique of the Obama Administration’s foreign […]

LBJ School Multimedia Politics and Governance

Students React to Obama’s SOTU

The LBJ School’s Barry Goldwater Society and GPAC co-hosted a State of the Union watch party Tuesday night, complete with SOTU bingo. Michael Gaudini and Kaitlin Sharkey captured a few students’ reactions to Obama’s address.

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