All Publications | Journal Papers
Author(s) | Title | Type | Year |
Hoobler, R.D., Akella, M., Elliott, C.M. | Multi-Thread Attracting Manifolds for Learning Without Regret | Conference | 2024 |
Vedantam, M., Kaki, S., Akella, M. | Optimal Rendezvous Trajectories Initialized with Analytical Radial Thrust Solutions | Conference | 2024 |
Zinage, V., Arjun Ram, S.P., Akella, M., Bakolas, E. | Semi-global Exponential Stability for Dual Quaternion Based Rigid-Body Tracking Control | Conference | 2024 |
Hoobler, R.D., Wiberg, D.C., Akella, M. | RGB-LiDAR Pipeline for 3D Bounding Box Estimation in Low SWaP-C Indoor Navigation Applications | Conference | 2023 |
Vedantam, M., Venegas, C.A.V, Gueho, D., Singla, P., Akella, M. | On-Board Optimal Feedback Controller Generation for Hypersonic Re-Target Scenarios | Conference | 2023 |
Arjun Ram, S.P., Akella, M. | Precision Attitude Stabilization with Intermittent External Torque | Conference | 2022 |
Lee, Y., Bakolas, E., Akella, M. | Feedback Strategies for Hypersonic Pursuit of a Ground Evader | Conference | 2022 |
Kaki, S., Akella, M. | Coplanar circular-to-circular orbit transfer guidance with constant thrust | Conference | 2022 |
Vedantam, M., Akella, M. Grant, M. | Jacobian Conditioned Two-Layer Stabilized Continuation for Computing Optimal Hypersonic Trajectories | Conference | 2021 |
Kaki, S., Akella, M. | Spacecraft Rendezvous in Closed Keplerian Orbits Using Low Radial Thrust | Conference | 2021 |
Kaki, S., Akella, M. | Uncertainty Quantification for a Batch Filter: Estimating the Angular Velocity of a Rigid-Body in Near Pure-Spin Condition | Conference | 2020 |
Arjun Ram, S.P., Akella, M. | Adaptive Attitude Tracking Control: Preserving the Self-Reduction Property through Time-varying Feedback Gains | Conference | 2020 |
Vedantam, M., Akella, M., Grant, M. | Multi-Stage Stabilized Continuation for Indirect Optimal Control of Hypersonic Trajectories | Conference | 2020 |
Dhamani, N., Martin, G., Schubert, C., Singh, P., Hatten, N., Akella, M. | Applications of Machine Learning and Monocular Vision for Autonomous On-Orbit Proximity Operations | Conference | 2020 |
Almeida, M., Akella, M. | Time-Varying Feedback for Attitude Regulation in Prescribed Finite-Time | Conference | 2019 |
Tuggle, K., Akella, M. | Multi-sensor Management under Information Constraints | Conference | 2019 |
Almeida, M., Moghe, R., Akella, M. | Real-Time Minimum Snap Trajectory Generation for Quadcopters: Algorithm Speed-up Through Machine Learning | Conference | 2019 |
Moghe, R., Zanetti, R., Akella, M. | Covariance matching Kalman filter for observable LTI systems | Conference | 2018 |
Moghe, R., Zanetti, R., Akella, M. | Covariance Matching for IMU Bias Estimation | Conference | 2018 |
Almeida, M., Zanetti, R., Mortari, D., Akella, M. | Real-Time Angular Velocity Estimation of Non-Cooperative Space Objects Using Camera Measurements | Conference | 2018 |
Tuggle, K., Akella, M. | Information-theoretic Sensor Scheduling under Communication Constraints | Conference | 2018 |
Almeida, M., Akella, M., John L. Junkins | New Class of Attitude Controllers Guaranteed to Converge within Specified Finite-Time | Conference | 2018 |
Almeida, M., Akella, M. | New Numerically Stable Solutions for Minimum-Snap Quadcopter Aggressive Maneuvers | Conference | 2017 |
Almeida, M., Akella, M. | Agile Autonomy: Towards Collision-Free Optimal Onboard Trajectory Generation for Vision Enabled Aerial Robotics | Conference | 2017 |
Almeida, M., Akella, M. | Optimal Coplanar Orbit Transfers in Levi Civita Coordinates | Conference | 2017 |
Almeida, M., Akella, M. | Discrete Adaptive Angular Velocity Estimation – An Experimental Analysis | Conference | 2016 |
Yang, S., Hashemi, K. E., Akella, M. | Dynamic Scaling Based Adaptive Controllers for Aeroelastic Systems | Conference | 2015 |
Yang, S., Mazenc, F., Akella, M. | Velocity-Free Attitude Stabilization with Measurement Errors | Conference | 2015 |
Yang, S., Akella, M. | Adaptive Control Boosted through Dynamically Adjusted Feedback Gains: Applications to Controlling Euler-Lagrange Systems | Conference | 2015 |
Hashemi, K. E., Pak, C., Akella, M. | Delta Adaptive Flexible Motion Control for the x-56A Aircraft | Conference | 2015 |
Mazenc, F., Yang, S., Akella, M. | Output Feedback, Attitude Dynamics, Robustness | Conference | 2015 |
Mazenc, F., Yang, S., Akella, M. | Time-delayed Gyro-free Attitude Stabilization | Conference | 2015 |
Mazenc, F., Akella, M. R. | Quaternion-based Stabilization of Attitude Dynamics Subject to Pointwise Delay in the Input | Conference | 2014 |
Hernandez, S., Akella, M. | A Closed-Loop Solution for Rendezvous Using KS Transformation | Conference | 2013 |
Thakur, D., Srikant, S., Akella, M. | Adaptive Attitude-Tracking Control of Spacecraft with Uncertain Time-Varying Inertia Parameters | Conference | 2013 |
Thakur, D., Akella, M. | Coordinated Control of Autonomous Vehicles in Three-Dimensional Rotating Formations | Conference | 2013 |
Hernandez, S., Akella, M. | Finite-Thrust Orbit Transfers to Any Circular-Equatorial Orbit Using Lyapunov-Based Feedback Control | Conference | 2013 |
Hernandez, S., Akella, M. | Lyapunov-Based Guidance Schemes for In-Plane Rendezvous Using Levi-Civita Coordinates | Conference | 2013 |
Hutchins, K. E., Akella, M., Clemens, N., Donbar, J. M. | Detection and Transient Dynamics Modeling of Experimental Hypersonic Inlet Unstart | Conference | 2012 |
Hernandez, S., Akella, M., Jer-Nan Juang | Lyapunov-Based Elliptical to Circular Planar Orbit Transfers in Levi-Civita Coordinates | Conference | 2012 |
Mercker, T., Akella, M. | Adaptive Attitude Tracking Control in Presence of Inertia Uncertainties and Gyro-Bias Errors | Conference | 2011 |
Escobar-Alvarez, H., Akella, M., Bishop, R. H. | Geometrical Configuration Analysis of Redundant Inertial Measurement Units | Conference | 2011 |
Srikant, S., Akella, M. | Persistence Filters for State Observation and Feedback Control in Shared-Sensing Based Reversible Transducer Systems | Conference | 2011 |
Mercker, T., Akella, M. | Rigid-Body Attitude Tracking with Vector Measurements and Unknown Gyro Bias | Conference | 2011 |
Mercker, T., Casbeer, D. W., Millet, P. T., Akella, M. | An Extension of Consensus-Based Auction Algorithms for Decentralized Time-Constrained Task Assignment | Conference | 2010 |
Chunodkar, A. A., Akella, M. | Attitude Stabilization with Unknown Time-Varying Delay in Feedback Control Implementation | Conference | 2010 |
Donbar, J. M., Linn, G. J., Srikant, S., Akella, M. | High-Frequency Pressure Measurements for Unstart Detection in Scramjet Isolators | Conference | 2010 |
Mercker, T., Akella, M. | Onboard Adaptive Compensation for Large-scale Actuator Misalignments in Responsive Space Systems | Conference | 2010 |
Srikant, S., Akella, M. | Persistance Based Torque Controllers for Precision Attitude Stabilization in Small Satellites | Conference | 2010 |
Srikant, S., Akella, M. | Persistence Filter Based Attitude Stabilization of Micro-Satellites with Variable Amplitude Thrusters | Conference | 2010 |
Chunodkar, A. A., Akella, M. | Rigid Body Attitude Stabilization with Unknown Time-Varying Delay in Feedback | Conference | 2010 |
Chunodkar, A. A., Summers, T. H., Akella, M. | Rigid Body Attitude Synchronization in the Presence of Unknown Communication Delays | Conference | 2010 |
Mercker, T., Akella, M. | Rigid Spacecraft Attitude Control Subject to Actuators with Unknown Rotational Misalignments | Conference | 2010 |
Chunodkar, A. A., Summers, T. H., Akella, M. | Spacecraft Attitude Synchronization in the Presence of Unknown Communication Delays | Conference | 2010 |
Chunodkar, A. A., Akella, M. | Attitude Stabilization with Network Delay in Feedback Control Implementation | Conference | 2009 |
Hatlelid, J., Akella, M. | Control Theory for Non-Affine Systems with Applications to Unstart Control in Hypersonic Inlets | Conference | 2008 |
Summers, T. H., Akella, M. | Coordinated Standoff Tracking of Moving Targets: Control Laws and Information Architectures | Conference | 2008 |
Hatlelid, J., Akella, M. | Feedback Control Methods to Prevent Unstart in a Hypersonic Inlet | Conference | 2008 |
Srikant, S., Akella, M. | Persistence Filter Based Control for Systems with Time-Varying Control Gains | Conference | 2008 |
Summers, T. H., Akella, M. | A Non-Certainty Equivalence Approach to Decentralized Adaptive Control | Conference | 2007 |
Akella, M. R., Seo, D. | A Separation Property for the Rigid-Body Attitude Tracking Control Problem | Conference | 2007 |
Seo, D., Akella, M. | High-Performance Spacecraft Adaptive Attitude Tracking Control Through Attracting Manifold Design | Conference | 2007 |
Mears, M. J., Akella, M. | Deception of RADAR Systems using Cooperatively Controlled Unmanned Air Vehicles | Conference | 2005 |
Subbarao, K., Akella, M. | Differentiator-Free Nonlinear Proportional-Integral Controllers for Rigid-Body Attitude Stabilization | Conference | 2004 |
Wallsgrove, R. J., Akella, M. | Globally Stabilizing Saturated Attitude Control in the Presence of Bounded Unknown Disturbances | Conference | 2004 |
Tandale, M., Subbarao, K., Valasek, J., Akella, M. | Structured Adaptive Model Inversion Control with Actuator Saturation Constraints Applied to Tracking Spacecraft Maneuvers | Conference | 2004 |
Akella, M. | Adaptive Control – A Departure from the Certainty-Equivalence Paradigm | Conference | 2003 |
Akella, M. | Vision-Based Adaptive Tracking Control of Uncertain Robotic Manipulators | Conference | 2003 |
Miwa, H., Akella, M. | Global Adaptive Output Feedback Stabilization for Spacecraft Attitude Tracking | Conference | 2002 |
Akella, M., Kotamraju, G. R. | Rigid-Body Output Feedback Attitude Control Subject to Actuator and Rate Saturations | Conference | 2002 |
Broucke, R. A., Akella, M. | Anatomy of the Constant Radial Thrust Problem | Conference | 2001 |
Akella, M., McGregor, J., Erengil, M. E. | Discrete Control of Kinetic Energy Projectile Trajectories | Conference | 2001 |
Akella, M., Halbert, J. T., Kotamraju, G. R. | Feedback Control of Rigid Body Attitude with Inclinometer and Low-Cost Gyro Measurements | Conference | 2001 |
Akella, M. | On Low Radial Thrust Spacecraft Motion | Conference | 2000 |
Akella, M. | Rigid Body Attitude Tracking Without Angular Velocity Feedback | Conference | 2000 |
Schaub, H., Akella, M., Junkins, J. L. | Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Attitude Motions Realizing Linear Closed-Loop Dynamics | Conference | 1999 |
Akella, M., Subbarao, K., Junkins, J. L. | Non-Linear Adaptive Auto-Pilot for Uninhabited Aerial Combat Vehicles | Conference | 1999 |
Ko, G., Akella, M., Junkins, J. L., Strganac, T., Kurdila, A. J. | Nonlinear Model Reference Adaptive Control for Limit Cycle Oscillations | Conference | 1999 |
Akella, M., Junkins, J. L., Robinett, R. D. | Structured Model Reference Adaptive Control with Actuator Saturation Limits | Conference | 1998 |
Akella, M., Junkins, J. L., Robinett, R. D. | Adaptive Control of Near-Minimum-Time Optimal Spacecraft Maneuvers | Conference | 1997 |
Akella, M., Junkins, J. L. | Some Consequences of Force Model Uncertainty on Probability of Collision with Orbital Debris | Conference | 1997 |