Allan’s paper has been featured as the inside front cover of Small. Congratulations!
Category Archives: News
John Publishes Paper
John’s MS thesis work on “Fabrication of Three-Dimensional Hierarchical Nanostructures using Template-Directed Colloidal Assembly” has been published by the journal Nanoscale. Congratulations!
John completed his MS in 2014 and is currently working for MEMSCAP at RTP.
Allan Publishes Paper
Allan’s paper on “Sculpting Asymmetric Hollow-Core Three-Dimensional Nanostructures using Colloidal Particles” has been published by the journal Small. Congratulations!
Read about the story “Nanoparticle Allows Low-Cost Creation of 3-D Nanostructures,” NC State News Office. Also reported in, PhysOrg, ScienceDaily, R&D Magazine, Kurzweilai, The Engineer (UK), Nanowerk, 3DPrint, AZonano,, e-Science News,, etc.
Allan gives Invited Talk at EIPBN 2014
Chang Group attends the 58th Int. Conference on Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication in Washington, DC. Allan gave a well-received invited talk on 3D nanolithography using particle scattering. Abhijeet gave a talk on mechanical properties of nano-springs, and Joong Hee had an invited poster for his work on colloidal fabrication of 3D nanostructures. Zhiting and John also made poster presentations on their work on wicking and fabrication of hierarchical nanostructures, respectively.
John Defends MS Thesis
John successfully defended his Master’s thesis on 3D lithography using template-directed self-assembly.Congratulations!
Allan’s Paper Featured as Cover Article
Allan’s paper has been featured on the front cover for the July issue of ACS Nano. Congratulations!
Abhijeet Publishes Paper
Abhijeet’s paper “Fabrication of subwavelength periodic nanostructures using liquid immersion Lloyd’s mirror interference lithography” has been published in the journal Optics Letters. Congratulations!
Allan Publishes Paper
Allan’s paper “Three-Dimensional Nanolithography Using Light Scattering from Colloidal Particles” has been published in the journal ACS Nano. Congratulations!
Read about the story “Light-Carved ‘Nano-Volcanoes’ Hold Promise for Drug Delivery,” NC State News Office. Also reported in, WRAL TechWire, Triangle Business Journal, Materials Views, the Engineer (UK), ScienceDaily, PhysOrg, R&D Magazine, RedOrbit,, e-Science News, Nanowerk, Azonano, and EurekAlert!
Chang Group at EIPBN 2013
Chang Group attends the 57th Int. Conference on Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication in Nashville, Tennessee. Allan and John each gave well-received talks on 3D nanolithography using colloidal particles and templated colloidal patterning, respectively, and Abhijeet presented a poster on immersion Lloyd’s mirror. Dr. Chang gave an invited talk on multifunctional nanostructured materials.
Dr Chang receives Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Award from ORAU
Congratulations to Dr Chang on being awarded the 2013 Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Award from ORAU! The press release from ORAU can be seen here.
Qiaoyin Publishes Paper
Qiaoyin’s paper “Antireflection effects at nanostructured material interfaces and the suppression of thin-film interference” has been published in the journal Nanotechnology. Congratulations!
Read about the story “Moth-Inspired Nanostructures Take the Color Out of Thin Films,” NC State News Office. Also reported in, Science 360 (NSF), Materials360 (MRS), R&D Magazine, PhysOrg, the Engineer (UK), ScienceDaily, Laser Focus World, TreeHugger, Gizmag, Azonano, EurekAlert!
New Students Join Groups
MAE PhD students Joong Hee Min and Zhiting Wang, and visiting student Zhiyuan Xu join group. Welcome!
Abhijeet Defends MS Thesis
Abhijeet successfully defended his Master’s thesis on immersion interference lithography. Abhijeet will continue on for his PhD studies. Congratulations!
Dr Chang Wins Early Career Faculty Award from NASA!
Congratulations to Dr Chang on being awarded the inaugural Space Technology Research Opportunities for Early Career Faculty (STRO-ECF) Grant from NASA! The press release from NASA can be seen here.
Polite at NCSU Undergrad Symposium
Polite Stewart presents his work at the NC State Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium after completing a 10-week REU program “Engineering the Grid” program funded by NSF.