Executive Summary: Policies Affecting Families: What we know, and what to expect in the second Trump term
Arielle Kuperberg
Can Raising the Child Tax Credit Halt Falling U.S. Fertility?
Daniel L. Carlson, Vivekananda Das, and Cole Grevelink
Lessons from the Loan Pause: More Evidence that Student Debt is Reducing Marriage and Childbearing
Arielle Kuperberg, Daniel Collier, Joan Maya Mazelis, and Fenaba Addo
Abortion After the Fall of Roe v. Wade
Alicia M. Walker
On Immigration under a Second Trump Presidency
Bethany L. Letiecq
From Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage to Executive Bans on ‘Gender Ideology’: Progress and Setbacks in LGBTQIA+ Laws in the Past Decade
Gina May and Barbara J. Risman