When you first enter college, health insurance may be the furthest thing from your mind. After all, you are young and healthy and have a lot of other, more relevant concerns. As such, it may be something you forget to check off your list, or something you simply put off for a later date.
However, health insurance is an important consideration for Americans of all ages, considering just how expensive health care is. You may want to think about the potential issues that could occur if you don’t have health insurance.
Furthermore, with the ACA in place, health insurance is mandated in many cases. Some colleges also require students to have health insurance. Is this true in Texas?
Before we discuss whether you are mandated to get health insurance, here is some information on other kinds of insurance you may need.
What types of insurance do students need?
Students often feel like they don’t have much to lose, and therefore do not consider getting insurance. This is especially true when it comes to life insurance. Do students need life insurance in Texas? The answer is not a simple no.
There are a number of minor reasons for students to get life insurance. If you are working to help your family pay bills, for example, life insurance can help them if anything happens to you. However, the most significant factor is for students who are paying for college using student loans.
If you die, your student loan debt does not just disappear. Your parents will likely be liable to pay what is outstanding. This is the biggest reason students in Texas consider getting life insurance. It is not mandated, though.
Renters insurance is another type of insurance students need to consider, specifically if they are living off campus. Renters insurance will cover your possessions if they get stolen or destroyed. You may not think your possessions are worth all that much, but consider how expensive it would be simply to replace your textbooks. Your clothing also may cost more than you realize.
You don’t need to get renters insurance, but it is advisable if you are living off campus.
What about health insurance? Is it mandated in Texas?
Is student health insurance mandatory in Texas?
Students in Texas are not mandated to get health insurance by the ACA. Some colleges do require students to get health insurance, but the University of Texas at Austin does not. However, it is encouraged that all American students get health insurance coverage. You can apply for the Student Health Insurance Plan which is sponsored by the University of Texas.
For international students, health insurance coverage is mandatory and it is included in the bill for each semester. It can be waived if the student provides proof that they have a private health insurance plan.
Do you need health insurance?
While health insurance is not mandatory for local students, is it something you need? Many young people entering college feel somewhat invincible. This is particularly true for students who have never had to face major health issues. The unfortunate reality is that life is unpredictable. Anything could happen that could leave you requiring expensive health care.
It is not uncommon for students to get injured in accidents due to an overconfidence in their own invincibility. Most adolescents feel this way and it can lead to poor decision-making. This makes it all the more important to have health insurance.
Health insurance is not a blanket requirement but you should have a health insurance plan when in college in Texas. If you are struggling to find a good plan that suits your needs, the university-sponsored Student Health Insurance Plan may be perfect for you.