The following publications include writings by members of our research team.
Health & Grief Related Books:
Wolfe, J.; Jones, B.; Kreicbergs, U.; Jankovic, M. (2017). Palliative Care in Pediatric Oncology. Springer.
Jones, B. (2014). Social Work Practice in Pediatric Palliative and End-of-Life Care: Challenges and Opportunities. Routledge Press.
Pomeroy, E.C. & Garcia, R. B. (2011). Children & Loss: A Practical Handbook for Professionals. Lyceum Publishers.
Pomeroy, E.C. & Garcia, R.B. (2009). The Grief Assessment and Intervention Workbook. A Strengths-Based Perspective. Cengage/Brooks-Cole Publishers.
Csikai, E.L., & Jones, B. (2007). Teaching Resources for End-of-Life and Palliative Care Courses. Lyceum Books, Inc.
Pomeroy, E.C. & Wambach, K. (2003). The Clinical Assessment Workbook: Balancing Strengths and Differential Diagnosis. Wadsworth Publishers.
Book Chapters:
Wolfe, J., Rosenberg, A., & Jones, B. Pediatric Palliative and End-of-Life Care. (in press, 2015) In Pediatric Psychosocial Oncology: Textbook for Multi-disciplinary Care. Eds. Abrams, A., Muriel, A., Wiener, L. Springer Press
Jones, B. & Remke, S. (in press, 2015) Self Care for Professionals. In Pediatric Psychosocial Oncology: Textbook for Multi-disciplinary Care. Eds. Abrams, A., Muriel, A., Wiener, L. Springer Press.
Jones, B. (2015) Current Issues in Social Work for Children and Adolescents Living with Cancer. In Oxford Handbook of Oncology Social Work: Psychosocial Care of the Patient with Cancer. Eds. G.Christ, C. Messner & L. Behar. New York, NY. Oxford University Press.
Jones, B., & Koch, K. (2015) Palliative Care Communication Needs of Neonatal and Pediatric Patients. In Oxford Handbook of Palliative Care Communication. Eds. Wittenberg-Lyles, E. & Ferrell, B. Oxford University Press.
Zebrack, B., Jones, B., Smolinski, K. (2015) Patient-Centered Cancer Care: From Diagnosis through Treatment and Transitions to Off-Treatment Survival of the End of Life. In Oxford Handbook of Oncology Social Work: Psychosocial Care of the Patient with Cancer. Eds. G.Christ, C. Messner & L. Behar. New York, NY. Oxford University Press.
Jones, B., & Phillips, F. (2014). Quick reference for pediatric oncology clinicians. In L. Weiner, M. Pao, A. Kazak, M. Kupst, & A. Patenaude (Eds.), The psychiatric and psychological dimensions of pediatric cancer symptom management. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Jones, B., & Phillips, F. (2014). Your child’s school. A resource for parent’s of children with cancer. American Childhood Cancer Organization.
Jones, B. & Phillips, F. (2014) Your child’s school. A Parent’s Guide to Enhancing Quality of Life for Children with Cancer. Eds: R. Hoffman & S. Smith. American Childhood Cancer Organization.
Jones, B., Levetown, M. Hellsten, M. (2014). Pediatric care: Transitioning goals of care in the ED, ICU and in between. Oxford Textbook of Palliative Nursing 4th edition. Ed: B. Ferrell, N.Coyle & Oxford University Press.
Wiener, L., Jones, B., Phillips, F. (2014). Resources and Information. In Quick Reference for Pediatric Oncology Clinicians: The Psychiatric and Psychological Dimensions of Pediatric Cancer Symptom Management. Editors: A. Kazak, M.J. Kupst, M. Pao, A. Patenaude and L.Wiener. American Psychosocial Oncology Society.
Jones, B., Phillips, F. (2013). Social work in interprofessional education in health care. In A. Hazra (Ed.), Social work education and practice in twenty first century: Emerging issues and challenges. New York, NY: Routledge.
Jones, B. (2012) Palliative Care Needs of Older Children and their Families. In Conversations in Perinatal, Neonatal and Pediatric Palliative Care. Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association.
Jones, B., Remke, S., Phillips, F. (2011). Palliative care: The pediatric perspective. Textbook of Palliative care social work.(pp. 387-396). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Csikai, E., Jones, B. (2011) Professional Development: Educational Opportunities and Resources. In Oxford Textbook of Palliative Care Social Work. Oxford University Press
Jones, B., Gilmer, M.J., Raley, J., Dokken, D., Freyer, D., Sydnor-Greenburg, N. (2011) Parent and sibling relationships and the family experience. In Textbook of Interdisciplinary Pediatric Palliative Care. Eds: J. Wolfe, B. Sourkes, and P. Hinds. Elsevier Press.
Jones, B., Remke, S. (2011) Palliative care: The pediatric perspective. In Oxford Textbook of Palliative Care Social Work. Oxford University Press.
Orloff, S., Jones, B., Ford, K. (2011). Psychosocial needs of children and families. In Palliative Care for Infants, Children, and Adolescents – A Practical Handbook. John’s Hopkins University Press. Eds: M. Levetown, B. Carter, and S. Friebert.
Smith, R., Rossetto, K. Jones, B. (2011) Stigma and Politeness: Challenging Family Health Discussions. In Family communication, connections, and health transitions: Going through this together. Health Communications Series (Volume 1) Ed: M. Miller-Day. Peter Lang Publishers: New York, NY.
Jones, B., Tesh, M. (2010). Children in medical settings. In Children and Grief. Eds: E. Pomeroy and R. Garcia. Lyceum Press.
Levetown, M., Jones, B., Hellsten, M. (2010). Pediatric care: Transitioning goals of care in the ED, ICU and in between. Oxford Textbook of Palliative Nursing. Ed: M. Levetown. Oxford University Press.
Wolfe, J., Hauer, J. Jones, B. (2010). Evaluation and management of pain in children. In UpToDate. American Academy of Pediatrics.
Wolfe, J., Hauer, J. Jones, B. (2010). Pediatric palliative care I &II. In UpToDate. American Academy of Pediatrics.
Hauer, J., Jones, B., Wolfe, J, (2009). Death and Dying in Childhood. In Rudolph’s Pediatrics 22nd edition. McGraw Hill.
Brennan, T., Golant, M., Jones, B., Wiener, L. (2008). Resources and Information. In Quick Reference for Pediatric Oncology Clinicians: The Psychiatric and Psychological Dimensions of Pediatric Cancer Symptom Management. Editors: A. Kazak, M.J. Kupst, M. Pao, A. Patenaude and L. Wiener. American Psychosocial Oncology Society.
Jones, B. Children and health care. (2008). The Encyclopedia of Social Work. 20th Edition. Ed: Mizrahi, T. and Davis, L. Oxford University Press.
Jones, B. (2007). Loss and grief: Individual, family, and cultural perspectives. In Teaching Resources for End-of-Life and Palliative Care Courses. Lyceum Books, Inc. Eds: Csikai & Jones.
Jones, B. (2007). Pediatric palliative and end-of-life care: A syllabus for social workers In Teaching Resources for End-of-Life and Palliative Care Courses. Lyceum Books, Inc. Eds: Csikai & Jones.
Jones, B. (2006). Caregivers of children with cancer. In Contemporary Issues of Care. The Haworth Press. R. Greene, Ed.
Book Section:
Jones, B. (2015) Section Head, Section IX: Pediatrics: Assessment and Interventions with Children and Adolescents Living with Cancer. In Oxford Handbook of Oncology Social Work. Eds: G. Christ, L. Behar, C. Messner. Oxford University Press.
Book Review:
Jones, B. (2004). Book Review: Helping Bereaved Children: A Handbook for Practitioners. Boyd Webb, N., Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 21 (6) pp. 669-672.
Journal Articles:
Articles Under Review:
Jones, B., Luk, J., & Phillips, F. (under review) Transformative Teams in Healthcare: Lessons Learned from Intercampus Collaboration on Interprofessional Course. Journal of Interprofessional Care.
Refereed Journal Articles :
Jones, B., & Phillips, F. (in press). Enhancing social work leadership in interprofessional healthcare. Journal of Social Work Education.
Lowe, A., Phillips, F., Schwartz, L., Rosenberg, A., Jones, B. (in press). Psychosocial Follow-up in Survivorship as a Standard of Care in Pediatric Oncology. Pediatric Blood and Cancer.
Lown, A., Phillips, F, Rosenberg, A. Schwartz, L. & Jones, B. (in press) Psychological Follow Up in Survivorship as a Standard for Psychosocial Care for Children with Cancer and their Families: An Introduction to the Special Issue, Pediatric Blood & Cancer
Jones, B., Phillips, F. (accepted, 2015 publication date) Social Work Leadership in Interprofessional Education in Health Care. Journal of Social Work Education.
Baker, J.N., Levine, D., Hinds, P.S., Weaver, M.S., Cunningham, M. J., Johnson, L., Angheleschu, D., Mandrell, B., Gibson, D. V., Jones, B., Wolfe, J., Feudtner, C. Frieber, S. Carter, B., Kane, J. (2015) Research priorities in pediatric palliative care: A Delphi study. Journal of Pediatrics
Crook, B., Glowacki, E., Love, B., Jones, B., MacPherson, C.F., and Johnson, R. (2015) Hanging by a thread: Exploring the features of nonresponse in an online young adult cancer survivorship support community. Journal of Cancer Survivorship.
Hansen, A.G., Martin, E. Jones, B.L., Pomeroy, E.C. (2015) Social Work Assessment Notes: A Comprehensive Outcomes-Based Hospice Documentation System Health & Social Work.
doi: 10.1093/hsw/hlv033
Jones, B., Phillips, F. (accepted, 2015 publication date) Social Work Leadership in Interprofessional Education in Health Care. Journal of Social Work Education.
Phillips, F., & Lewis, F.M. (2015). The Adolescent’s Experience When a Parent has Advanced Cancer: A Qualitative Inquiry. Palliative Medicine
Ajawi, T., Linebarger, J., & Jones, B. (2014) Transitions in Care for Adolescents and Young Adults in Palliative Care. Pediatric Clinics of North America.61 (4) 785-796.
Jones, B., Contro, N., Koch, K. (2014) The Duty of the Physician to Care for the Family in Pediatric Palliative Care: Context, Communication and Caring. Pediatrics. 133. S8
Jones, B., Phillips, F., Head, B., Hedlund, S., Kalisiak. A., Zebrack, B., Kilburn, L., BA, Otis-Green, S. (2014). Enhancing Collaborative Leadership in Palliative Social Work in Oncology. Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care. 10(4): 309-321. doi: 10.1080/15524256.2014.975319.
Jones, B., Phillips, F., Head, B., Hedlund, S., Kalisiak. A., Zebrack, B., Kilburn, L., BA, Otis-Green, S. (2014). Enhancing Collaborative Leadership in Palliative Social Work in Oncology. Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care. 10(4): 309-321. doi: 10.1080/15524256.2014.975319.
Kropf, N. & Jones, B. (2014) When Public Tragedies Happen: Community Practice Approaches to Grief, Loss and Recovery. Journal of Community Practice. 22: 281-298.
Otis-Green, S., Jones, B., & Zebrack, B., Kilburn, L., Altilio, T., & Ferrell, B. (2014) ExCEL in Social Work: Excellence in Cancer Education & Leadership – An Oncology Social Work Response to the Institute of Medicine Report, Cancer Care for the Whole Patient: Meeting Psychosocial Health Needs. Journal of Cancer Education. DOI: 10.1007/s13187-014-0717-8
Phillips, F. (2014). Adolescents living with a parent with advanced cancer: A systematic review. Psycho-Oncology. doi:10.1002/pon.3570
Phillips, F. (2014). The experience of adolescents who have a parent with advanced cancer: A phenomenological inquiry. Palliative and Supportive Care. doi:10.1017/S1478951514001023
Rosenberg, A., Kroon, L., Chen, L., Li, C.I., & Jones, B. (2014) Insurance Status and Race as Independent Predictors of Advanced Stage Cancer Among Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer. Cancer.
Rosenberg, A., Starks, H. & Jones, B. (2014) “I know it when I see it.” The Complexities of Measuring Resilience in Pediatric Cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer.
Rosenberg, A., Yi-Frazier, J., Jones, B., Kroon, L. & Gordon, K. (2014) Contributors and Inhibitors of Resilience among Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer. Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology.
Bharadwaj, P. Sandashara, S., Sternberg, S. & Jones, B (senior author) (2013) Curbside Consultation: Talking with Children when a Parent is Seriously Ill. American Family Physician. 88(9) 570-2.
Mljkovic, M.D., Jones, B., Miller, K. (2013) From the Euthanasia Society to POLST: End-of-Life Care in the United States. Cancer Journal: The Journal of Principles and Practices of Oncology.19 (5) 438-443.
Phillips, F., & Jones, B. (2013). The lived experience of Latino adolescent and young adult survivors of childhood cancer. Journal of Cancer Survivorship. doi:10.1007/s11764-013-0310-x
Philips, F. & Jones, B. (2013). Understanding the Experiences of Latino Adolescent and Young Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer. Journal of Cancer Survivorship Research and Practice.
Jones, B (2012). Guest editorial for Special Edition- Challenges and opportunities for social work in pediatric palliative and end-of-life care. Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care. 8 (4). 278-280.
Jones, B. (2012) The challenge of quality care for family caregivers in pediatric cancer care. Seminars in Oncology Nursing. 28 (4) 213-220.
Love, B., Crook, B., Mooney-Thompson, C., Zaitchik, S., Knapp, J., LeFebvre, L., Jones, B., Donovan, E., Rechis, R., Eargle, E. (2012) Exploring the Communication of Social Support Online: A Content Analysis of Messages Posted to an Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Support Community. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. 15(10) 555-9.
Thrane, S. & Jones, B. (2012) Nurse communication with families after the death of a child: A pilot study. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing. 14 (1) 6-10. doi:10.1097/NJH.0b013e3182426637
Jones, B. (2011) Challenges conducting qualitative research for adolescents and young adult patients and survivors. Editorial (invited). Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology.1 (2)
Casillas, J, Syrjala, K, Hammond, E, Ganz, P, Marcus, A, Crespi, K, Lu, P, McCabe, M, Jacobs, L, Pucci, D, Palmer, S, Termuhlen, M, Diller, L, Campbell, M, Jones, B, & Friedman, D (2011). How confident are young adult cancer survivors in managing their survivorship care? A report from the LIVESTRONG Survivorship Centers of Excellence Network. Journal of Cancer Survivorship: Research and Practice. 5(4) 371-381.
Jones, B., Parker-Raley, J., Barczyk, A. (2011). Adolescent cancer survivors: Identity paradox and the need to belong. Qualitative Health Research. 21 (8) 1033-1040.Doi 10.1177/1049732311404029
Jones, B., Parker-Raley, J., Maxson, T., Brown, C. (2011). Understanding healthcare professionals views of family presence during pediatric resuscitation: Implications for family-centered care. American Journal of Critical Care. (3) 199-207. PMID: 21532040
Malone, P., Pomeroy, E. & Jones, B. (2011). Disoriented grief: A lens through which to view the experiences of Katrina evacuees. Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care. 7:241-262.
Jones, B., Pelletier, W., Decker, C., Barzcyk, A, Dungan, S. (2010). Fathers of children with cancer: A descriptive synthesis of the literature. Social Work in Health Care. 49(5) 458-93.
Jones, B., Volker, D., Vinajeras, Y., Butros, L., Fitchpatrick, C., Rosetto, K. (2010). The meaning of surviving cancer for Latino adolescents and emerging young adults. Cancer Nursing: An International Journal for Cancer Care. 33 (1). 74-81.PMID 19926975
Conlon, A., Gilbert, D., & Jones, B. (2010). Stacked Stigma: Oncology Social Workers’ Perceptions of the Lung Cancer Experience. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology. 28 (1) 98-115.
Wisner, B., Jones, B., Gwin, D. (2010) School-based meditation practices for adolescents: A resource for strengthening self-regulation, emotional coping, and self-esteem. Children and Schools. 32(3)150-9.
Jones, B., Pomeroy, B, Sampson, M. (2009). University-community partnerships and community based participatory research: One community’s approach to enhance capacity in end-of-life and bereavement practice, research, and education. Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care. 5 (1) 94-104.
Shulman, L.N., Jacobs, L.A., Greenfield, S., Jones, B., McCabe, M., Syrjala, K., et al (2009). Cancer Care and Cancer Survivorship Care in the US – Will we be able to care for these patients in the future? Journal of Oncology Practice. 5 (3) 119-123.
Jones, B. (2008). Promoting healthy development for adolescent cancer survivors. Journal of Family and Community Health. 31(1S) 861-870. PMID: 18091144
Jones, B., Parker-Raley, J., Higgerson, R., Christie, L, Legett, S. & Greathouse, J. (2008). Finding the right words: The use of Allow Natural Death (AND) and DNR in pediatric palliative care. Journal of Healthcare Quality. 30 (5) 55-63.
Jones, B., & Voss, T. (2008). Lesbian parent activism and meaning-making in the current political environment. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 19 (2), 63-80.
Parker-Raley, J., Jones, B., Maxson, T, (2008). Communicating the death of a child in the emergency department: The negotiation of dialectical tensions. Journal of Healthcare Quality. 30 (5) 20-31.
Jones, B., Sampson, M., Greathouse, J., Legett, S., Higgerson, .R. & Christie, L. (2007). Comfort and confidence levels of health care professionals providing pediatric palliative care in the intensive care unit. Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life and Palliative Care. 3 (3). 39-58.
Hutton, N., Jones, B., & Hilden, J. (2006). From cure to palliation: Managing the transition. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America Pediatric Palliative Medicine. 15 (3) 575-584.
Jones, B. (2006). Caregivers of children with cancer in Journal of Human Behavior and the Social Environment. 14 (1/2), 221-240.
Jones, B. (2006). Companionship, control and compassion: A social work perspective on the needs of children with cancer and their families at the end of life. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 9 (3). 774-788.
Jones, B. (2006). Tucked in my heart: The use of ethnopoetry to represent the meaning-making of social workers in pediatric palliative care. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 9 (3). 789-790.
Jones, B. (2005.) Pediatric palliative and end-of-life care: The role of social work in pediatric oncology. Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care. 1 (4). 35-62.
Jones, B. and Weisenfluh, S. (2003). Pediatric palliative and end-of-life care: Spiritual and developmental issues for children, Smith College Studies in Social Work: Special Edition on End of Life Care, 78 (1), 423-443.
Research Reports
Emotional Support Navigation Evaluation Report. October 2012 for LiveSTRONG Foundation.
Breast Cancer Patient Navigation Needs Assessment. July 2008 for Breast Cancer Services and Entrepreneurs’ Foundation.
Pediatric Palliative Care Educational Needs Assessment and Environmental Scan. July 2008. Center for Advanced Illness Coordinated Care.