Author: Jennifer Miller
TT spatial data science position!
The Department of Geography and the Environment at The University of Texas at Austin invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Spatial Data Science to begin Fall of academic year 2024-25. Candidates would be expected to use advanced spatial modeling techniques such as AI and neural networks, machine learning, or spatial simulation to address one, or preferably more, of the following socio-environmental ‘real world’ issues:
• Climate change impacts
• Geographies of health & wellbeing
• Infectious disease spread
• Migration, displacement, & (im)mobility
• Natural hazards/disasters
• Social & spatial inequalities
• Sustainable energy use & production
• Urbanization
New collaborative paper in GA
New paper in Geographical Analysis discusses how spatial analysis can contribute to spatial justice: Making space in Geographical Analysis
2 new papers from NYMPHS project
Two new forensic palynology papers from our MURI-funded NYMPHS project were recently published.
Daoqin Tong (ASU) led the effort to develop GOFIND, a geocomputational network model to help identify “spatial footprints” or likely locations associated with an object.
Eddie Helderop (UT-Austin) was lead author on a that further refined the GOFIND model using modified social network analysis tools.
New paper on quantifying dynamic interactions
This paper explores combining point-based and path-based dynamic interaction metrics to explore whether movement differences associated with proximity can be detected. Differences in simulated trajectories for ovement parameters ranging from step length and relative angle to more complex parameters such as persistence index were tested. Movement was often different for simulated ‘leader’ and ‘follower’ trajectories, and different interaction-related movement behaviors were explored using data on black-backed jackals in Etosha National Park.
A spatial exploration of the ‘halo effect’ in the 2016 US presidential election
Was the ‘halo effect’ (proportion of immigrants in surrounding area) correlated with GOP vote proportion in the 2016 election? The halo effect has been studied in Europe, where it has often been correlated with far-right voting patterns. This paper examines the halo effect and uses geographically weighted regression to explore whether the effect varies spatially.
Special issue in IJGIS
I joined Janet Franklin (UC-Riverside), Shawn Laffan (University New South Wales), & Andrew Skidmore (University of Twente) to edit a special issue on Spatial Ecology in IJGIS, “Modeling movement, distributions, diversity, and disturbance.”
Congrats to Dr. Brendan Hoover
Post-doc opportunity in SDM
Opportunity: 1-3 years post-doctoral position using species distribution models to track movement of pollen. This opportunity will be in the Geography Department at UT-Austin but part of a collaborative project with the Biology Department at UT, Arizona State University, and Emory University.
Responsibilities: This (potentially) 5 year project is focused on forensic palynology (NYMPHS) The post-doc position will primarily be involved in developing models that incorporate ‘movement’ (dispersal, accessibility) and human impacts, in addition to biotic and abiotic factors (see figure 1) in order to model the distribution of pollen and pollinators. Ultimately, we are interested in developing a geocomputation toolbox that is capable of predicting the movement paths of forensic pollen samples over space and time.
Experience: Ideal candidates will have PhD in Geography, Ecology/Biology, or similar discipline with excellent statistical and data management skills. In particular, we are looking for candidates with extensive experience using R for species distribution models (preferably experience using BIOMOD2 or similar ensemble forecasting package). Additional experience and interest in pollen/pollinator networks, data science, and/or GIScience is preferred. Candidate should also have a strong publication record and ability to work in a collaborative research environment.
Location: The University of Texas at Austin, one of the biggest and best research universities in the world, is located in the dynamic capitol city of Austin, recently named the best place to live in America for the 2nd year in a row. The position will be in the Department of Geography and the Environment.
More information: Start date can be as soon as March 2020 (negotiable). To apply, please send a single .PDF document with your CV, cover letter outlining your relevant experience and when you could start, and names and contact information for three references. For more information, contact Jennifer A Miller
New overview paper on analyzing movement
This recent IJGIS paper was a result of two NSF-funded workshops co-organized by Jennifer Miller, Gil Bohrer (OSU), and Harvey Miller (OSU). We highlight emerging themes and commonalities in animal movement and human mobility research.