Category: Uncategorized
Jennifer spent several weeks in Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe over the winter break. Part of this was related to a new project studying interactions between jackals in Etosha National Park.

Visiting research fellow at AIMS
I just returned from a five week research fellow visit at the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) in Perth, Western Australia. While there, I presented a two day workshop on spatial statistics and spatio-temporal analysis and developed collaborations for future research that will apply these methods to study issues such as ship strike on whales and environmental monitoring.
Contact info
Jennifer A Miller is Professor of GIScience and Chair of the Department of Geography and the Environment at the University of Texas at Austin. She joined the faculty at UT-Austin in 2007 after four years at West Virginia University.
Jennifer’s research focuses on the integration of GIScience and biogeography, particularly in the areas of species distribution and animal movement modeling.
Contact information:
Dept. of Geography and the Environment
303 E 23rd St. Mailcode A3100
Austin, TX 78712
jennifer.miller [at]