Category: Features
Living in a Material World: Art and Otherworldly Understanding in Colonial Latin America
BY BRITTANY ERWIN It was a bustling scene. Excited crowds of people had gathered along the processional route in the city center, which had been…
La Ruta del Cambio Climático: Climate Change Tourism in the Peruvian Andes
BY MOLLY H. POLK A sure way to put an end to a lively conversation in any social setting is to ask me about my…
Una vida en 327 cuadernos: el archivo literario de María Luisa Puga
BY JOSÉ MONTELONGO Para algunos, un diario es una excursión hacia adentro, confrontación con uno mismo que se emprende en momentos de crisis y de…
Making Beauty: The Wearing of Polleras in the Andean Altiplano
BY ANGELA TAPIA ARCE Lucy does not smile too often. Like other women who wear polleras, she does not greet you with a wide grin,…
Anzaldúa across Borders: A Traveling Thought Gallery
BY SUSANNA SHARPE An image is a bridge between evoked emotion and conscious knowledge; words are cables that hold up the bridge. —Gloria Anzaldúa, Borderlands/La…
Establishing History: The Black Diaspora Archive and the Texas Domestic Slave Trade Project
BY RACHEL E. WINSTON The vision for the Black Diaspora Archive at The University of Texas at Austin came into focus in 2013 as a…
Brazilian Roças: A Legacy in Peril
BY EDWARD SHORE Vanessa de França is a farmer and activist from São Pedro, one of 88 quilombos, rural black communities descended from fugitive slaves,…
Cardenal in Hard Times
BY LUIS E. CÁRCAMO-HUECHANTE Leer en español It was the winter of 1979. I was already in my fourth year of high school in Valdivia,…