All posts by Bob Ascott

About Bob Ascott

PhD graduate in 2014, Visiting Scholar at UT, and Trustee of N5XU UT Amateur Radio Club

N5XU alive and well !!

Greetings N5XU,

Wow, it is SPRING 2025 and the UT Amateur Radio Club remains alive and well, although this website has received VERY little attention over the past year.

Our primary communications channel has moved to Discord, so for club information, consider accessing the club site on Discord (N5XU – UT Austin Amateur Radio Club)

Our meetings this semester are alternate Wednesdays at 7:00 PM in ETC – check the Discord channel for details.

N5XU UTARC is alive an well – despite few posts in 2022-23

The University of Texas Amateur Radio Club is alive and well despite few posts during the past year.

Our primary communication vehicles have been Slack, Discord, and the UT news group server. This site has fallen into disrepair and will hopefully get fixed up as an outward facing communications vehicle to the broader community.

Young Ho remains the president for 2023.

The shack is temporarily off the air due to construction in the area of the tower on the ‘shack building’ More information on this critical topic will be available in the upcoming weeks and months

(Bob Ascott, WB2FHR, Club Trustee)

N5XU – Officers for 2019

After the hotly contested election last spring, the ballots have finally been validated, and the officers for 2019 were forced to STAND UP at last night’s meeting.

From left we have Sameer Bibikar, Treasurer; Kenneth Mitra, Vice-President; and leading us in 2019 is President, Michael Taleff.

Both congrats and sincere thanx to this team for providing the leadership for N5XU for the upcoming year!!!

It’s 2018 and UTARC is STILL alive, well, and meeting

Here is the announcement from our new President, Stefano Nerozzi, N5STT, for Spring 2018

I’m happy to announce that the first UTARC meeting of 2018 will be tomorrow, January 25 at 7pm in the main lounge on the 2nd floor of ETC.

The tentative schedule for the rest of the semester is the following:

Feb 6, Feb 22, Mar 6, Mar 22, Apr 3, Apr 19, May 1

Alternating between Tuesday and Thursday seemed the best option for everyone’s schedule in the past, so I decided to keep it that way.

Starting with the new semester I’d like to set up an agenda of topics of interest to be discussed in each meeting. Everyone’s suggestions are welcome!

It’s 2017, and we are STILL alive and well

We have been meeting constantly since the last post, but that is certainly not clear from this site.

Here is some news about the club for 2017:

Andrei Loghin, our past president has graduated from UT, and the new president of N5XU is Michael Christoffersen.

Our Spring, 2017 meeting schedule is:

2/9 – ETC 2.114
2/22 – RLM 6.112
3/9, 3/22, 4/6, 4/19, 5/4 – ETC 2.114

On the operating front, here is an extract from Andrei’s status report:

Yesterday we became operational on 80m! The 20/40m dipole has been transformed
to an 80/40m. We used the wire from a very old dipole.

Shout out to Dale (our electrician), Christoff, and Fred for helping out on the

Initial antenna analyzer measurements showed a 2.6 SWR around 3.65MHz. The peak
is very narrow, so it’s a picky 80m wire. You will need to tune, however we
have full band capability. Dipole also has a 1.2 SWR around 7.15MHz. The peak
here is much more broad.