With the knowledge we learned and created in mechanics, materials, manufacture and bio-e interface, my group has built a few soft bioelectronic systems on our own (k-m)15,16,26 and in collaboration (e.g., n).24,25,27,28,29, Specifically, the modular wireless e-tattoo made through the “cut-solder-paste” method could be disassembled and reconfigured into e-tattoos of different sensing modalities because they all share a generic NFC layer (k). We also had a cover article on Adv. Sci. reporting a dual-mode e-tattoo that could simultaneously measure one’s electrocardiogram (ECG) and seismocardiogram (SCG), out of which cardiac time intervals and ultimately one’s blood pressure could be extracted beat-by-beat (l).26 The SCG sensing was achieved through am ultrathin stretchable sensor made out of piezoelectric polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) which was designed based on our mechanics knowledge of piezoelectric serpentines.30
1 Sanchez, D.A., Dai, Z., Wang, P., Cantu-Chavez, A., Brennan, C.J., Huang, R., and Lu, N.: ‘Mechanics of spontaneously formed nanoblisters trapped by transferred 2D crystals’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018, 115, (31), pp. 7884-7889
2 Rao, Y., Qiao, S., Dai, Z., and Lu, N.: ‘Elastic Wetting: Substrate-Supported Droplets Confined by Ultrathin Elastic Membranes’, J Mech Phys Solids, 2021, 151, pp. 104399
3 Dai, Z., Hou, Y., Sanchez, D.A., Wang, G., Brennan, C.J., Zhang, Z., Liu, L., and Lu, N.: ‘Interface-Governed Deformation of Nanobubbles and Nanotents Formed by Two-Dimensional Materials’, Physics Review Letters, 2018, 121, (26), pp. 266101
4 Dai, Z., Sanchez, D.A., Brennan, C.J., and Lu, N.: ‘Radial Buckle Delamination around 2D Material Tents’, J Mech Phys Solids, 2020, 137, pp. 103843
5 Dai, Z., and Lu, N.: ‘Poking and bulging of suspended thin sheets: Slippage, instabilities, and metrology’, J Mech Phys Solids, 2021, 149, pp. 104320
6 Akinwande, D., Brennan, C.J., Bunch, J.S., Egberts, P., Felts, J.R., Gao, H., Huang, R., Kim, J.-S., Li, T., Li, Y., Liechti, K.M., Lu, N., Park, H.S., Reed, E.J., Wang, P., Yakobson, B.I., Zhang, T., Zhang, Y.-W., Zhou, Y., and Zhu, Y.: ‘A review on mechanics and mechanical properties of 2D materials—Graphene and beyond’, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2017, 13, pp. 42-77
7 Dai, Z., Lu, N., Liechti, K.M., and Huang, R.: ‘Mechanics at the interfaces of 2D materials: Challenges and opportunities’, Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, 2020, 24, (4), pp. 100837
8 Sanchez, D.A., Dai, Z., and Lu, N.: ‘2D Material Bubbles: Fabrication, Characterization, and Applications’, Trends in Chemistry, 2021, 3, (3), pp. 204-217
9 Ameri, S.K., Ho, R., Jang, H.W., Tao, L., Wang, Y.H., Wang, L., Schnyer, D.M., Akinwande, D., and Lu, N.: ‘Graphene Electronic Tattoo Sensors’, Acs Nano, 2017, 11, (8), pp. 7634-7641
10 Ameri, S.K., Kim, M., Kuang, I.A., Perera, W.K., Alshiekh, M., Jeong, H., Topcu, U., Akinwande, D., and Lu, N.: ‘Imperceptible Electrooculography Graphene Sensor System for Human-Robot Interface ’, npj 2D Materials and Applications, 2018, 2, pp. 19
11 Jang, H., Dai, Z., Ha, K.-H., Ameri, S.K., and Lu, N.: ‘Stretchability of PMMA-supported CVD graphene and of its electrical contacts’, Semiconduct Semimet, 2019, 7, (1)
12 Brennan, C.J., Ghosh, R., Koul, K., Banerjee, S.K., Lu, N.S., and Yu, E.T.: ‘Out-of-Plane Electromechanical Response of Monolayer Molybdenum Disulfide Measured by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy’, Nano Lett, 2017, 17, (9), pp. 5464-5471
13 Brennan, C.J., Koul, K., Lu, N., and Yu, E.T.: ‘Out-of-Plane Electromechanical Coupling in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides ’, Appl Phys Lett, 2020, 116, pp. 053101
14 Yang, S., Chen, Y.C., Nicolini, L., Pasupathy, P., Sacks, J., Becky, S., Yang, R., Daniel, S., Chang, Y.F., Wang, P., Schnyer, D., Neikirk, D., and Lu, N.: ‘”Cut-and-Paste” Manufacture of Multiparametric Epidermal Sensor Systems’, Adv Mater, 2015, 27, (41), pp. 6423–6430
15 Jeong, H., Wang, L., Ha, T., Mitbander, R., Yang, X., Dai, Z., Qiao, S., Shen, L., Sun, N., and Lu, N.: ‘Modular and Reconfigurable NFC-Enabled Wireless Electronic Tattoos for Biometric Sensing’, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2019, pp. 1900117
16 Wang, Y., Yin, L., Bai, Y., Liu, S., Zhou, Y., Wang, L., Hou, C., Yang, Z., Wu, H., Ma, J., Shen, Y., Deng, P., Zhang, S., Duan, T., Li, Z., Ren, J., Xiao, L., Yin, Z., Lu, N., and Huang, H.: ‘Electrically compensated, tattoo-like electrodes for epidermal electrophysiology at scale’, Sci Adv, 2020, 6, pp. eabd0996
17 Qiao, S.T., Wang, L., Jeong, H.Y., Rodin, G.J., and Lu, N.S.: ‘Suction effects in cratered surfaces’, J R Soc Interface, 2017, 14, (135), pp. 20170377
18 Wang, L., Qiao, S.T., and Lu, N.S.: ‘Effects of surface tension on the suction forces generated by miniature craters’, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2017, 15, pp. 130-138
19 Qiao, S.T., Wang, L., Ha, K.H., and Lu, N.S.: ‘Suction effects of craters under water’, Soft Matter, 2018, 14, (42), pp. 8509-8520
20 Wang, L., Ha, K., Qiao, S., and Lu, N.: ‘Suction Effects of Crater Arrays’, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2019, submitted
21 Lu, N.: ‘Reversible Dry Adhesives’, Soft Robotics, 2016, 3, (3), pp. 99-100
22 Choi, M.K., Park, O.K., Choi, C., Qiao, S., Ghaffari, R., Kim, J., Lee, D.J., Kim, M., Hyun, W., Kim, S.J., Hwang, H.J., Kwon, S.-H., Hyeon, T., Lu, N., and Kim, D.-H.: ‘Cephalopod-Inspired Miniaturized Suction Cups for Smart Medical Skin’, Adv Healthc Mater, 2015, 5, (1), pp. 80-87
23 Wang, L., Ha, K.-H., Rodin, G.J., Liechti, K.M., and Lu, N.: ‘Mechanics of Crater-Enabled Soft Dry Adhesives: A Review’, Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering | Tribology, 2020, 6, pp. 601510
24 Choi, C., Choi, M.K., Liu, S.Y., Kim, M.S., Park, O.K., Im, C., Kim, J., Qin, X.L., Lee, G.J., Cho, K.W., Kim, M., Joh, E., Lee, J., Son, D., Kwon, S.H., Jeon, N.L., Song, Y.M., Lu, N.S., and Kim, D.H.: ‘Human eye-inspired soft optoelectronic device using high-density MoS2-graphene curved image sensor array’, Nat Commun, 2017, 8, pp. 1664
25 Lee, J., Cho, H.R., Cha, G.D., Seo, H., Lee, S., Park, C.K., Kim, J.W., Qiao, S.T., Wang, L., Kang, D., Kang, T., Ichikawa, T., Kim, J., Lee, H., Lee, W., Kim, S., Lee, S.T., Lu, N.S., Hyeon, T., Choi, S.H., and Kim, D.H.: ‘Flexible, sticky, and biodegradable wireless device for drug delivery to brain tumors’, Nat Commun, 2019, 10
26 Ha, T., Tran, J., Liu, S., Jang, H., Jeong, H., Mitbander, R., Huh, H., Qiu, Y., Duong, J., Wang, R.L., Wang, P., Tandon, A., Sirohi, J., and Lu, N.: ‘A chest-laminated ultrathin and stretchable e-tattoo for the measurement of electrocardiogram, seismocardiogram, and cardiac time intervals’, Adv Sci, 2019, pp. 1900290
27 Park, J., Choi, S., Janardhan, A.H., Lee, S.Y., Raut, S., Soares, J., Shin, K., Yang, S.X., Lee, C., Kang, K.W., Cho, H.R., Kim, S.J., Seo, P., Hyun, W., Jung, S., Lee, H.J., Lee, N., Choi, S.H., Sacks, M., Lu, N.S., Josephson, M.E., Hyeon, T., Kim, D.H., and Hwang, H.J.: ‘Electromechanical cardioplasty using a wrapped elasto-conductive epicardial mesh’, Sci Transl Med, 2016, 8, (344)
28 Song, J.K., Son, D., Kim, J., Yoo, Y.J., Lee, G.J., Wang, L., Choi, M.K., Yang, J., Lee, M., Do, K., Koo, J.H., Lu, N.S., Kim, J.H., Hyeon, T., Song, Y.M., and Kim, D.H.: ‘Wearable Force Touch Sensor Array Using a Flexible and Transparent Electrode’, Adv Funct Mater, 2017, 27, (6)
29 Kim, M.K., Parasuraman, R.N., Wang, L., Park, Y., Kim, B., Lee, S.J., Lu, N., Min, B.C., and Lee, C.H.: ‘Soft-packaged sensory glove system for human-like natural interaction and control of prosthetic hands’, Npg Asia Mater, 2019, 11, pp. 43
30 Liu, S., Ha, T., and Lu, N.: ‘Experimentally and Numerically Validated Analytical Solutions to Nonbuckling Piezoelectric Serpentine Ribbons’, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2019, 86, (5), pp. 051010