by ASH KINNEY D’HARCOURT The 1970s in the United States saw significant social, cultural, and economic upheaval in the context of an ongoing sexual revolution, anti-war sentiment and political scandals. Struggling to maintain relevance during this decade, the industry began to incorporate more explicit violence and sexuality as well as… read more
Movie Posters of the 1960s: Adaptation, Innovation, and Artistic Expression
by ASH KINNEY D’HARCOURT In the rapidly changing cultural landscape of the 1960s, the film industry explored new strategies to capture audience attention. The restrictive production code began to weaken, allowing for the emergence of the more experimental and avant-garde approaches to filmmaking that gained prominence during this decade. In… read more
Thrillers to Teenagers: The Shifting Landscape of 1950s Film Posters
by ASH KINNEY D’HARCOURT The 1950s ushered in a new era of socio-cultural transformation in the United States in which many families were drawn out of cities and into newly developed suburban communities. This shift was accompanied by an increased emphasis on the nuclear family and the reinforcement of rigid… read more