Volunteers needed to help with the City of Austin’s Take a Loved One for a Checkup event (see attached flyer). Students interested should sign up at this link: https://givepul.se/9e3lul. For any questions, you can contact Meghan Duncan and/or Darrell Barnett from Austin Public Health Darrell.Barnett@austintexas.gov/ Meghan.Duncan@austintexas.gov
Student Organizations
Event: Leadership in Nursing: Guest Speaker Lisa Geshell
Lisa Geshell, a UT graduate student and leader in Stigma Theta Tau International joins us today, Wednesday, Aril 3rd, 2019 at 5:00pm in room NUR 4.180. She will be talking about how student nurses can leverage STTI to build their leadership/nursing career and benefits of joining this international nursing honor… read more
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: 40 Hours for the Forty Acres
40 Hours for the Forty Acres is right around the corner and we need YOUR HELP on April 3rd and 4th to surpass last year’s fundraising total of $43,000 – imagine the support and visibility you could garner for your favorite area of Nursing in less than two days! What is the 40 Hours… read more