Former PhD student Leland Nordin is profiled as he starts his new position at UCF/CREOL! We are looking forward to all of the exciting work coming out of Prof. Nordin’s group!
Our Decoupled Emission/Absorption Bolometer work published in Optics Letters
Congratulations to first author Alexander Ware and co-authors Morgan Bergthold, Noah Mansfield, and Zarko Sakotic, as well as collaborators at Sandia National Labs, on the publication of our paper: “Decoupling absorption and radiative cooling in mid-wave infrared bolometric elements“. By designing a mid-wave IR metal-insulator-metal resonator with an integrated long-wave… read more
Barium Titanate work with Demkov group published
Our recent collaboration with the Demkov group, “Microstructural analysis and electro-optic properties of thick epitaxial BaTiO3 films integrated on silicon (001)“, led by Demkov group graduate student Marc Reynaud, was published in Phys. Rev. Materials today. Congrats to all authors and hoping that this is the beginning of a long… read more