Former PhD student Leland Nordin is profiled as he starts his new position at UCF/CREOL! We are looking forward to all of the exciting work coming out of Prof. Nordin’s group!
Recent News
Our Decoupled Emission/Absorption Bolometer work published in Optics Letters
Congratulations to first author Alexander Ware and co-authors Morgan Bergthold, Noah Mansfield, and Zarko Sakotic, as well as collaborators at Sandia National Labs, on the publication of our paper: “Decoupling absorption and radiative cooling in mid-wave infrared bolometric elements“. By designing a mid-wave IR metal-insulator-metal resonator with an integrated long-wave… read more
“Holey” Detectors!! Published in JAP
Congrats to Yinan on his first author paper “High-speed mid-wave infrared holey photodetectors“, published in the Journal of Applied Physics!! We show that we can use surface recombination to dramatically improve the time response of mid-wave infrared detectors. In collaboration with our friends at AFRL. Congrats to all authors!