Mothers and CAreGivers Investing in Children (MAGIC)

Mothers And Caregivers Investing in Children is a study of children’s health and development in the first two years of life. This study is designed by a multidisciplinary team of Co-Investigators with expertise in Nutrition, Child Psychology, and Child Development. The MAGIC study promotes the mothers’ and caregivers’ interactions by enhancing infant responsive feeding, fostering health, and promoting infant-caregiver relationships while encouraging early healthy eating habits. The study also explores the influence of infant eating behaviors and whether or not these eating behaviors determine weight gain trajectories, health outcomes, and obesity risk. The MAGIC study is unique by having five entirely virtual visits and one in-person visit, real-time participant tailored nutrition and sensitive feeding consoling, and compelling infographics. The MAGIC Co-PIs are Dr. Debby Jacobvitz, Dr. Nancy Hazen, Dr. Elizabeth Widen, and Dr. Ladia Hernandez. Drs. Jacobvitz and Hazen are faculty in the Department of Human Development and Family Sciences and Drs. Widen, and Hernandez are faculty in the Department of Nutritional Sciences at UT Austin. We have begun enrolling participants for the MAGIC Study. Families who meet the selection criteria will be invited to participate in the early child’s life and will be followed through their first two years of life. For more information on MAGIC Study, please email or follow this link. If you or someone you know is interested in participating in the MAGIC Study, please fill out this survey.
