Zambia recently announced the end of a twenty month ban on trophy hunting. This announcement came from Zambia’s Minister Of Tourism and Arts, Ms. Jean Kapata, who replaced the previous minister Ms. Sylvia Masebo after she was fired for being found guilty of abuse of power and lying under oath. As noted… read more
Sport Hunting
The potential to save animals by killing them?
Sport hunting is highly controversial, and has heavily armed critics (no pun intended) on both sides. Animal rights activists, as well as many conservationists, argue that sport hunting is cruel and unusual and cannot benefit conservation efforts. On the other side of the issue, some argue that sport hunting can… read more
Hunter celebrities risk efforts of wildlife conservation
In 2012, the former King of Spain went to Botswana to hunting elephants and paid more $60,000 for the opportunity. Prince William and Kate from the UK are also well known for their hunting activities. Jimmy John Liautaud, the owner of the famous sandwich franchise “Jimmy John”, also likes hunting and in… read more