LBJ School Multimedia

The Higher Court: Episode 2

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] Photo: Rock, Paper, Scissors Read more about The Higher Court and the LBJ School students behind it at  

LBJ School Multimedia Politics and Governance

The Higher Court: A New Podcast From LBJ Students

Photo: Rock, Paper, Scissors The Higher Court is a weekly podcast from the 85th Legislature’s ultimate authority – the court of public opinion. Hosted by Estevan Delgado and Cynthia Van Maanen, produced by Jen Rice. All listeners are urged to run for office immediately. The Baines Report will be sharing the Higher Court’s episodes as soon […]

Economics & Trade Policy Global Policy Studies & International Security Multimedia Politics and Governance

Smart Diplomacy: Reflections From a Career Ambassador

Before he was whisked away from our interview to moderate a conflict resolution exercise, I had a conversation with Ambassador Thomas Pickering. As a diplomat, he has served in a host of countries as well as in the United Nations. Even though he has technically retired from his career as an ambassador, he is still […]

Economics & Trade Policy LBJ School Multimedia Politics and Governance

From the National Bank of Argentina: Delfina Rossi Talks About Her Appointment, Argentinian Elections

Last year, Delfina Rossi was a first year student at the LBJ School of Public Affairs. She came to the program with a Masters in Economics from the European University Institute, and previous work experience in the European Parliament. After finishing her first year at the LBJ School, Delfina accepted an appointment from the President […]

LBJ School Multimedia Politics and Governance University of Texas at Austin

Graduate Public Affairs Council (GPAC) 2015 Elections

Editorial Note: This election has been decided. Check the bottom of the page for results.  Who’s committed to the idea of electing leadership through democratic decision making processes? That’s right – as students at the LBJ School of Public Affairs, we all are. Let’s live out one of the most special political exercises around and […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security Multimedia Politics and Governance Technology Policy

In Defense of Pretty Maps

Cartography is pretty hot these days. Maps tap into our brains’ spatial reasoning abilities to make any public issue more immediate and understandable to wider audiences—and with the advent of open data and free tools, anyone with a computer can produce maps. Clearly, the trend has particular consequences for policymaking, although the burden of proof […]

Energy & Environmental Policy Global Policy Studies & International Security Multimedia Philanthropy & Non-Profit Organizations

Defending the Colombian Páramos

Earlier this month, the Association of Tasco Community Water (ASOACCTASCO), the Tasco Youth Collective and the Peasant Integration Foundation (FINTEC) co-hosted the 2nd meeting of the National Defendors of Páramos in Tasco, Colombia. The conference brought together various grassroots organizations to discuss the harmful effects of area mining exploitation by multinational corporations and to unify […]

LBJ School Multimedia

Graduate Public Affairs Council (GPAC) 2014 Elections

Students at the LBJ School have a lot to say about their program. From student body diversity to curriculum structure to kitchen supplies, many students have an opinion on how the school currently conducts itself and how it should conduct itself going forward. This week, students have the opportunity to take action and elect individuals […]

Global Policy Studies & International Security LBJ School Multimedia Politics and Governance

Amb. Bolton Presents an Alternative to Pres. Obama’s Foreign Policy

Thursday evening, the LBJ School welcomed former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations John R. Bolton for a spirited and comprehensive speech on global policy in Bass Lecture Hall. Ambassador Bolton, who served in senior positions in both Bush Administrations as well as the Reagan Administration, offered a vigorous critique of the Obama Administration’s foreign […]

LBJ School Multimedia Politics and Governance

Students React to Obama’s SOTU

The LBJ School’s Barry Goldwater Society and GPAC co-hosted a State of the Union watch party Tuesday night, complete with SOTU bingo. Michael Gaudini and Kaitlin Sharkey captured a few students’ reactions to Obama’s address.

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