Dr. Butzer was Author or editor of 19 books and monographs.
In addition, he Authored and co-authored over 270 scientific papers and chapters, including pieces featured in journals and series such as Science, Nature, American Scientist, American Antiquity, Advances in World Archaeology, Cambridge Ancient History, Cambridge History of Africa, Current Anthropology,Die Naturwissenschafen, Ecumene, Geoscience and Man, Geoarchaeology, Journal of Geology, Journal of Field Archaeology, Soil Science, Quaternary Research, Quaternary Science Reviews, and South African Journal of Science. He wrote some 125 book reviews.
Two books and five papers have been translated into Spanish, Russian, Hungarian, Chinese, or Catalan.
Die Naturlandschaft Ägyptens während der Vorgeschichte und dem Dynastischen Zeitalter. Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur (Mainz), Abhandl. Math.-Nat. Kl. 1959, No.2: 80pp.
Environment and Archeology: An Introduction to Pleistocene Geography. Chicago: Aldine, 1964,524 pp.
Geomorphology from the Earth. New York and London: Harper and Row, 1976, 463 pp.
A Foeldfelszin Formakincse, Budapest: Gondolat, 1986, 520 pp.
Arqueologla: Una Ecologia del Hombre. Barcelona: Bellaterra, 1989, 345 pp.
Arqueologia: Una ecologia del Hombre. Introduction by J.F. Mateu. Barcelona, Bellaterra, 2007, 2nd edition, 418 pp.
Late glacial and post-glacial climatic fluctuations in the Near East. Erdkunde 11 (1957): 21-35.
Der Umweltfaktor in der grossen arabischen Expansion. Saeculum 8 (1957): 359-371.
Die Ursachen des landschaftswandels der Sahara und Levante seit dem klassichen Altertum. Abhandlungen, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur (Mainz), Math. -Nat. Kl., No. 1: 1-19.
Das Ökologische Problem der neolithischen Felsbilder der ostlichen Sahara. Abhandlungen, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur (Mainz), Math.-Nat. Kl. 1957, No. I: 20-49.
Tagung der Deutschen Quartärvereinigung in Überlingen 1958. Geologie 8 (1958): 227-228.
Some recent geological deposits of the Egyptian Nile Valley. Geographical Journal 125 (1959):75-79.
Contributions to the Pleistocene geology of the Nile Valley. Erdkunde 13 (1959): 46-67.
On the Pleistocene shorelines of Arabs’ Gulf, Egypt. Journal of Geology 68 (1960): 622-637.
Die 56. Tagung der Association of American Geographers in Dallas 1960. Erdkunde 14 (1960): 313-314.
Climatic change in arid regions since the Pliocene. Arid Zone Research (UNESCO) 17 (1961):31-56.
Pleistocene stratigraphy and prehistory in Egypt. Quaternaria 6 (1962): 451-477.
The land of Egypt. In Egypt, Ed. A. Nawrath. Berne: Kfunmerly and Frey, 1962, pp. 163-185.
The last pluvial phase of the Eurafrican subtropics. Arid Zone Research (UNESCO) 20 (1963): 211-221.
Pleistocene palaeclimates of the Kurkur Oasis. Canadian Geographer 8 (1964): 125-141.
Environment and archaeology (with commentaries). Current Anthropology 7 (1966): 501-526.
Isotopes and Geography. Geographical Review 56 (1966): 593-594.; translated and reprinted in IzvestiiaAkad. Nauk. SSSR, Ser. Geog. 1967(3): 117-118.
Reply to On Late Pleistocene Chronology. Current Anthropology, vol. 8, no. 4 (1967) pp. 353–354.
Last glacial tundra vegetation in Central Europe. Geographical Review 57 (1967): 264-266.
Comments on “The Pleistocene epoch and the evolution of Man,” Current Anthropology 9 (1968): 31-32.
Changes in the land. Science 165 (1969): 52-53.
[With C. L. Hansen, and Pierre Birot ] “Géologie Et Morphologie En Égypte Méridionale.” Annales De Géographie 78, no. 430 (1969): 727-28.1970
Climate and History. Geographical Review 60 (1970): 574 – 576.
EI yacimiento acheulense de Ambrona (Prov. de Soria) (with P. Biberson and D. Collins). Publicaciones, Departamento de Paleontologia (Universidad de Madrid) 10 (1970): 5-23.
Quartäre Vorzeitklimate der Sahara. In Die Sahara und ihre Randgebi Quartäre Vorzeitklimate der Sahara.ete, Ed. H. Schiffers, Cologne, pp. 349-387.
Past climates of the Tibesti Mountains, Central Sahara. Geographical Review 63 (1973): 395-397.
Notas sobre la geomorfologfa regional de la parte occidental de la Provincia de Santander y la estratigraffa de Cueva Morin. In Cueva Morin 11 Excavaciones 1969, Eds. J. Gonzalez Echegaray and L.G. Freeman. Santander: Patronato de las Cuevas, 1973, pp. 1-9.
Dawn in the Rudolf Basin. South African Journal o/Science 69 (1973): 292-293.
Pleistocene “periglacial” phenomena in southern Africa. Boreas 2 (1973): 1-12.
Rebuttal to Ziegert’s Reply. American Anthropologist, vol. 75, no. 2 (1973): 610–611
Pluralism in geomorphology. Proceedings, Association 0/ American Geographers 5 (1973): 39-43.
Climatic change. Encyclopaedia Britannica: Macropaedia (1974): 730-741.
Geology of the Cornelia Beds. Memoirs Nat. Museum (Bloemfontein) 9 (1974): 7-32.
[with Tuttle, R. & Blumenberg, B.] “Darwin’s Apes, Dental Apes, and the Descent of Man: Normal Science in Evolutionary Anthropology.” Current Anthropology, vol. 15, no. 4, 1974, pp. 389–426.1975
Birket Qarun. Lexikon der Ägyptologie 1 (1975): 822-824.
Delta. Lexikon der Ägyptologie 1 (1975): 1043-1052.
[With Marker, Margaret E. “On Taung Revisited.” Current Anthropology 16, no. 2 (1975): 295-96. ]
Lithostratigraphy of the Swartkrans Formation. South African Journal o/Science 72 (1976):136-141.
A settlement archaeology project in the Alexandersfontein Basin (Kimberley). Palaeoecology 0/Africa 9 (1976): 144-145.
Obituary for Carl Troll (1899-1975). Geographical Review 66 (1976): 234-236.
Pleistocene climates. Geoscience and Man 13 (1976): 27-43.
Environment, culture and human evolution. American Scientist 65 (1977): 572-584.
Geo-archaeology in practice. Reviews in Anthropology 4 (1977): 125-131.
Geographie. Lexikon der Ägyptologie 2 (1977): 525-530.
Climate patterns in an un-glaciated continent. Geographical Magazine 51 (1978): 201-208.
The people of the river. In Ancient Egypt. Washington D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1978, pp. 32-71.
Geo-ecological perspective on early hominid evolution. In African Hominidae of the PlioPleistocene, Ed. C.J. Jolly. London: Duckworth, 1978, pp. 191-217.
Comments on the infillings of various Old Babylonian and Kassite structures at Nippur. Oriental Institute Publications, The University of Chicago, 23 (1978): 188-190.
This is Indian Country: Fashioning the American landscape, 2. Geographical Magazine 52 (1979): 140-148.
Preliminary notes on the geology of Die KeIders. Annals, South African Museum 78 (1979): 225-228.
Klima. Lexikon der Agyptologie 3 (1979): 455-458.
Mareotis. Lexikon der Agyptologie 3 (1979): 1188-1190.
The Holocene lake plain of North Rudolf, East Africa. Physical Geography 1 (1980): 44-58.
Context in archaeology: An alternative perspective. Journal of Field Archaeology 7 (1980): 417-422.
Volcanism in human history. Science 208 (1980): 736-737.
Adaptation to global environmental change. Professional Geographer 32 (1980): 269-278.
The Taung australopithecine: contextual evidence. Palaeontologia Africana 23 (1980): 59-60
Rock engravings and the Later Stone Age, northern Cape Province, South Africa: A multidisciplinary study. Proceedings, 8th Panafrican Congress of Prehistory and Quaternary Studies, Nairobi, 1977, pp. 311-313 (with G. J. Fock, L. Scott, and R. Stuckenrath). Nairobi: Louis Leakey Memorial Institute for African Prehistory, 1980.
Commentary on ochre in archeological sites. Current Anthropology 21 (1980): 635.
Investigacion preliminar sobra la geologia de la Cueva del Pendo. In El Yacimiento de EI Pendo, Ed. J. Gonzalez Echegaray. Madrid: Bibliotheca Prehistorica Hispana 17, 1980, pp. 199-213.
Impressions of the 6th Meeting of the Association of Spanish Geographers, Palma de Mallorca, October, 1979. Professional Geographer 32 (1980): 232-233.
Nil. Lexikon der Ägyptologie 4 (1981): 480-483.
[With Hayden, Brian, Sandra Bowdler, Mark N. Cohen, Mark Druss, Robert C. Dunnell, Albert C. Goodyear, Donald L. Hardesty, Fekri A. Hassan, Johan Kamminga, Harry Lourandos, R. G. Matson, Philip Miller, G. C. Mohapatra, Per Persson, Richard Pittioni, Karel Valoch, J. J. Wymer, and David R. Yesner.] “Research and Development in the Stone Age: Technological Transitions among Hunter-Gatherers [and Comments and Reply].” Current Anthropology 22, no. 5 (1981): 519-48.1982
Palaeoecology of the African Continent (with H.B.S. Cooke). Cambridge History of Africa, Vol. 1 (1982): 1-69.
Klima, Umwelt und Menschwerdung. Kindlers Enzyklopädie der Mensch. Munich: Kindler, 1982, pp. 747-787.
Empires, capitals and landscapes of ancient Ethiopia. Archaeology 35(5) (1982): 30-37.
Paleo-environmental perspectives on the Sahel drought 1968-73. Geo-Journal 7 (1983): 369-374.
Global sea level stratigraphy: An appraisal. Quaternary Science Reviews 2 (1983): 1-15.
Rotes Meer. Lexikon der Ägyptologie 5 (1984): 311-313.
Settlement geography. Lexikon der Ägyptologie 5 (1984): 924-933.
Shaduf. Lexikon der Ägyptologie 5 (1984): 520-521.
Archaeogeology and Quaternary environment in the interior of southern Mrica. In Southern African Prehistory and Paleo-Environments, Ed. R.G. Klein. Rotterdam: Balkema, 1984, pp. 1- 64.
Late Quaternary environments in South Africa. In Late Cainozoic Palaeoclimates of the Southern Hemisphere, Ed. J.C. Vogel. Rotterdam: Balkema, 1984, pp. 235-264.
La estratigrafia del nivel marino de Mallorca en una perspectiva mundial. In Geomorfologia Litoral y Cuaternario: Homenaje a Juan Cuerda, eds. V.M. Rossello, K.W. Butzer, and B. Barcelo. Valencia: Universidad de Valencia, 1985, pp. 17-33.
Una alqueria islamica medieval de la Sierra de Espadan (with E.K. Butzer, I. Miralles, and J.F. Mateu). Boletin, Sociedad Castellonense de Cultura 61 (1985): 305-365.
Westwuste. Lexikon der Ägyptologie 6 (1986): 1235-1238.
Wuste. Lexikon der Ägyptologie 6 (1986): 1292-1295.
Diffusion, adaptation, and evolution of the Spanish agrosystem. In The Transfer and Transformation of Ideas and Material Culture, Eds. P.J. Hugill and D,B. Dickson. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 1988, pp. 91-109.
Foreword to S. A. Gregg, Foragers and Farmers, Chicago 1988, pp. xv-xviii (with L. G. Freeman).
Historical archaeology of Medieval Muslim communities in the Sierra of Eastern Spain (with E.K. Butzer). In Medieval Archaeology, Ed. C.L. Redman. Binghamton: MRTS Press, 1989, pp.217-233.
Hartshorne, Hettner, and The Nature of Geography. In Reflections on Richard Hartshorne’s the Nature of Geography, Eds. J.N. Entrikin and S.D. Brunn. Washington, DC: Association of American Geographers, Occasional Paper 1, 1989, pp. 35-52.
The Indian legacy in the American landscape. In The Making of the American Landscape, Ed. M.P. Conzen. London: Unwin Hyman, 1990, pp. 27-50; (reprinted in) The American Cities and Technology Reader, ed. G. K. Roberts, pp. 3-16. London: Routledge 1998.
Spanish colonization in the New World: Cultural continuity and change in Mexico. Erdkunde 45 (1991): 205-219.
Observations on the Acheulian occupation site of Ambrona (Soria Prov., Spain). Jahrbuch, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum (Mainz) 38 (1991): 33-82 (with F. C. Howell, L. G. Freeman, and R. G. Klein).
Cultural and environmental variables in the human ecosystem. In Arqueologfa: la huella del hombre en el ecosistema mediterraneo, Eds. K. W. Butzer and B. Marti, vol. 2, 6.1-26. Valencia: Universidad Intemacional Menendez Pelayo, 1991.
Archaeology, archives and environment in the Medieval settlement history of the Sierra de Espadan (with E. K. Butzer). In Arqueologia: La huella del hombre en el ecos mediterraneo, Eds. K. W. Butzer and B. Marti, vol. 2, 8.1-26. Valencia: Universidad Intemacional Menendez Pelayo, 1991.
Spanish Conquest society in the New World: Ecological eadaptation and cultural transformation. In Person, Place, and Thing, Ed. S.T. Wong, Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University, Geoscience and Man 31, 1992, pp. 211-242.
No Eden in the New World. Nature 362 (1993): 15-17.
The Classical tradition. of agronomic science: Perspectives on Carolingian agriculture and agronomy. In Science in Western and Eastern Civilization, Eds. P.L. Butzer and D. Lohmann.
Basel: Birkhaeuser, 1993, pp. 539-596.
Arqueologfa urbana: Intervenciòn humana y respuesta ambiental. In Procesos Postdepositionales, Ed. F. Burrillo. Teruel: Colegio Universitario de Teruel, 1993, pp. 7-18.
Archaeology as human ecology. In Huaxia Archaeology 3(1993) 103-108 (In Chinese).
The sixteenth-century environment of the Central Bajio: Archival reconstruction from Colonial land grants and the question of Spanish ecological impact (with E.K. Butzer). In Culture, Form and Place, ed. K Matthewson. Baton Rouge, LA, Geoscience and Man 32,1993, pp. 89-124.
The Columbian Encounter and environmental change (with B.L. Turner II), in Global Land Use Change, eds. B.L. Turner II and A. Gomez Sal, pp.1-25. Madrid: CSIC, 1995.
Environmental change, climatic history, and human modification. In Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, ed. J.M. Sasson. New York: Scribners, 1995, Vol. 1, pt. 2, pp.123-151.
Irrigation, raised fields and state management: Wittfogel redux? Antiquity 70 (1996): 200-204.
Environmental archaeology. In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East, ed. E.M. Meyers. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997, Vol.2, pp.244-252.
Wildlands and wilderness. In The Evolving Landscape: Homer Aschmann’s Geography, ed. M. J. Pasqualetti, pp. 353-370. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997.
Reasoning by analogy. In Human Choice and Climatic Change, eds. S. Rayner and E. L. Malone, Vol. 3, pp. 217-290 (with W. B. Meyer, T. E. Downing, B. L. Turner II, G. W. Wenzel and J. L. Wescoat). Columbus,OH. Batalle Press, 1998.
Articles in Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt, ed. K. A. Bard. London:
Routledge 1999:
Climate and Climatic History, pp. 195-198
Demography, pp. 250-252
Irrigation, pp. 381-183
Nile geological evolution, hydrology, and flood history, pp. 568-573
Subsistence and diet in Dynastic Egypt, pp. 752-753.
The human role in environmental history. Science 287 (2000) 2427-28.
Domestic architecture in early Colonial Mexico: Material culture as (sub) text (with E.K. Butzer). In Cultural Encounters with the Environment, eds. A. B. Murphy and D. L. Johnson, pp. 17-37. Lanham, MD: Rowan and Littlefield, 2000.
Field Trip Guide to Northern Mexico (Jan. 8-13, 2000), ed. with Elisabeth K. Butzer, Department of Geography, The University of Texas, Austin, for the Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers, 296 pp.
Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, ed, D, B. Redford, 2001: “Desert Environments” Vol. 1, pp, 385-89, “Irrigation,” Vol. 2, pp, 183-88, “Nile,” Vol. 2, pp, 543-51.
Human-environment relationships: Prehistoric, In International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Amsterdam and New York, Elsevier, vol. 10,2001,7050-56,
Field Trip Guide “Community and ecology in the Sierra” (June 10,2001); “Sheep, wool towns, and agriculture” (June 11,2001); and “Meseta and coastal plain” (June 12,2001), with Elisabeth K. Butzer and Juan F. Mateu, Department of Geography, The University of Texas, Austin, for Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers 2001, 231 pp.
When the desert was in flood, ” Environmental history of the Giza Plateau, Newsletter, Ancient Egypt Research Associates 5(1) 2001: 3-6,
Geoarchaeological implications of recent research in the Nile Delta, In Egypt and the Levant: Interrelations from the 4th through the early Third Millennium BCE, eds, E.C,M, Van den Brink and T.E. Levy, Leicester University Press, London and New York, 2002, pp, 83-97,
The rising cost of contestation, Annals, Association of American Geographers 92 (2002) 75-78,
Extended review of Grove and Rackham, The Nature of Mediterranean Europe. In: Annals of the Association of American geographers 93 (2003), pp. 494-98,
Karl W. Butzer: Harassing refugee children. Reprinted in J.L. Granatstein and N. Hillmer, eds., First Drafts: Eyewitness Accounts from Canada’s Past, Toronto, Thomas Allen, 2002, pp. 290-91.
Practicing geography in a totalitarian state: Re-casting Carl Troll as a Nazi collaborator? Die Erde (Berlin) 135 (2004) 223-231.
Irrigation. In Seventy Great Inventions of the Ancient World, ed. B. Fagan, pp. 97-100. London, Thames and Hudson, 2004.
Rock engravings pose enduring problems. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 14/1 (2004), pp. 117-119.
Livestock, land cover and environmental history: the Tablelands of New South Wales, Australia, 1820-1920 (with D. Helgren). Annals of the Association of American Geographers 95 (2005) 80-111.
Eolianites, beach sands, and paleosols at the Swartklip fossil site, southwestern Cape, South Africa, in E. Sanjaume and IF. Mateu, eds. Geomorfologia Litoral I Quaterrnari: Homenatge al prof V.M Rossello i Verger, Universitat de Valencia 2005, pp. 87-102.
(P.L. Butzer, K.W. Butzer) Die Transmission von Wissenschaften und Ideen von Osten nach Westen im Zeitalter der Kreuzzüge, in M. Piana (ed.), Burgen und Städte der Kreuzzugszeit, M. Imhof Verlag, Petersberg (Germany) (2008): 89-100.
Personal recollections of Juan Cuerda: Friend, colleague, mentor. In G.X. Pons and D. Vicens (Eds.), Geomorfologia litoral i Quaternari, Monografias, Sociedad de Historia Natural de Baleares (Palma de Mallorca), 14 (2008): 25-35.
(P.F.Hudson,K.W.Butzer,T.Beach), Fluvial deposits and environmental history, Geomorphology, 101 (2008): xiii-xx.
Anthropology and Human Geography, International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, 1 (2009): 148-151.
Reply to Pearson and Pearson, Reflections on historical vs. contemporary information, Proceedings, National Academy of Sciences, 109 (2012): E2032.
(K.W. Butzer, E.K. Butzer, S. Love) Urban geoarchaeology and environmental history at the Lost City of the Pyramids, Giza: Synthesis and review, Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013): 3340-3356.
Anthropocene as an evolving paradigm. The Holocene (2015) vol. 25 1538-1541.
(Karl Butzer with John Oswald) Dry lakes or pans of the western Free State, South Africa :Environmental History of Deelpan and possible early human impacts. Palaeolecology of Africa, in print November 2015 16 pp
Landscapes and environmental history of Ancient Egypt: A critical review and prospectus. Denkschrift für Werner Kaiser, P. von Zabern Verlag, accepted and in proofs and press, late 2015, 32 pp.
Integrating geoarchaeology with archaeology for interdisciplinary understanding of scocietal-environmental relations. Accepted and in copyedit stage for Oxford University Press; Handbook edited by C. Isendahl and D. Stump.
Aride und humide Jahreszeiten in Nordamerika (R. Jätzold). Geographical Journal 128 (1962): 535-536.
La Vendée littorale: Étude de géomorphologie (M. Ters). Geographical Review 53 (1963): 330-331.
Alluvial and palynological reconstruction of environments, Navajo Reservoir District (J. Schoenwetter and F.W. Eddy). American Antiquity 31 (1965): 287-288.
The Lower Jordan Valley (1. Schattner). Erdkunde 19 (1965): 79.
Le modélé des régions sèches (J. Tricart and A. Callieux). Erdkunde 19 (1965): 251.
Fortschritte der internationalen Hangforschung (P. Birot, P. Macar, und H. Mortensen, eds.). Die Erde 96 (1966): 56.
Die pleistozäne Klima-und Landschaftsentwicklung der nördlichen Po-Ebene im Lichte bodengeographischer Untersuchungen (0. Fränzle). Geographical Journal 132 (1966): 22.
The world of ancient Man: Early Man in his natural setting (1. W. Cornwall). Man 1 (1966): 251.
The cycle of erosion in different climates (p. Birot). Professional Geographer 20 (1968): 451.
Pleistocene mammals of Europe (B. Kurten). American Anthropologist 71(1969): 562-563.
The Mediterranean Valleys: Geological Changes in Historical Times (C. Vita-Finzi). Science 165 (1969) 52-53.
Radiometric dating for geologists (E. 1. Hamilton and R.M. Farquhar). Erdkunde 23 (1969): 244.
Glacial and periglacial geomorphology (C. Embleton and C.A. King). Professional Geographer 31 (1969): 56.
Weathering (C. Ollier). Professional Geographer 22 (1970): 107.
La Tunésie présaharienne: Étude géomorphologique (R. Coque). Professional Geographer 22 (1970): 108.
Climate, Man and history (R. Claiborne). Natural History 79 (1970): 85.
Prehistoric animals and their hunters (1. W. Cornwall). American Anthropologist 72 (1970): 933.
Aboriginal Man and environment in Australia (D.J. Mulvaney and J. Golson). American Anthropologist 74 (1972): 1526-1527.
Ice Ages: Their nature and effects (1. Cornwall). American Anthropologist 74 (1972): 137-138.\
Rebuttal to Ziegert’s reply, American Anthropologist 75 (1973): 610-611.
Climatic change and the Mill Creek culture of Iowa, 2 vols. (D.R Henning, ed.). The Plains Anthropologist 18 (1973): 253-255.
Models in archaeology (D.L. Clarke, ed.). Erasmus 25 (1973): 809-811.
Man, settlement and urbanism (P.J. Ucko, R Tringham, and G.W. Dimbleby, eds.). American Anthropologist 75 (1973): 1933-1936.
Geomorphology in deserts (R.U. Cooke and A. Wanen). Science 183 (1974): 1286.
The prehistory and protohistory of India and Pakistan (R.D. Sankalia). Archaeology (1975): 141.
Archaeological sediments: A survey of analytical methods (M.L. Shackley). QuaternaryResearch 6 (1976): 322-323.
Structural geomorphology (J. Tricart). Professional Geographer 28 (1976): 203-204.
The environment of Early Man in the British Isles (J.G. Evans). American Scientist 64 (1976):347.
Soil science and archaeology (S. Limbrey). American Antiquity 42 (1977): 303-304.
Where hunters gathered: A study of Holocene Stone Age people in the Eastern Cape (HJ. Deacon). Human Ecology 6 (1978): 111-115.
Geomorphology and time. (l B. Thomes and D. Brunsden). Die Erde 110 (1979): 56-57.rece
Lindenmeier, 1934-1974: Concluding report on investigations (E.N. Wilmsen and F.H.H. Roberts). Journal of Archaeological Science 6 (1979): 397-398.
Pre-Hispanic Maya agriculture (P.D. Harrison and B.L. Turner II). Journal of Archaeological Science 6 (1979): 398.
Geological background to fossil Man: Recent research in the Gregory Rift Valley, East Africa (W.W. Bishop, ed.). Journal of Geology 87 (1979): 733-734.
Water and tribal settlement in south-east Arabia (J.C. Wilkinson). Erasmus 31 (1979): 125-128 (with E.K. Butzer).
Climatic change and variability: A southern perspective (A.B. Pittock et aI., eds.). Professional Geographer 32 (1980): 115.
An archaeological investigation on the Loboi Plain, Baringo District, Kenya (W.R Farrand, RW. Redding, M.W. Wolpoff, and H.T. Wright). Quaternary Research 13 (1980): 138-139.
Geography and soil properties (A.F. Pitty). Geographical Review 71 (1981): 357-58.
Axum (Y. M. Kobischchanov). American Anthropologist 83 (1981): 925-926.
The prehistory of Europe (P. Phillips). Science Books and Films 16 (1981): 151-152.
The environment in British prehistory (LG. Simmons and M.J. Tooley). American Scientist 69 (1981): 681-682.
Land, man and sand: Desertification and its solution (J. Walls). Economic Geography 51 (1981): 288-289.
Archaeological sites in their setting (C. Vita-Finzi). American Antiquity 46 (1981): 225-226.
Environmental archaeology (M. Shackley). Professional Geographer 34 (1982): 461.
The archaeology of Beringia (F.H. West). Science Books and Films 18 (1983): 271.
Processes in geomorphology (C. Embleton and J. Thomes, eds.); Timescales in geomorphology (RA. Cullingford, D.A. Davidson and J. Lewin, eds.). Geographical Review 72 (1982): 465-467.
The Navajo Atlas: Environments, resources, people and history of the Dime Bikeyah (J.M. Goodman). Geographical Magazine (1983): 381-382.
The geological evolution of the River Nile (R. Said). GeoJournal Supplementary Issue 4 (1983): 106-107.
Excavating in Egypt: The Egyptian Exploration Society, 1882-1982 (T.G.H. James). Journal of Archaeological Science 10 (1983): 303-304.
Meadowcroft: Collected papers on the archaeology of Meadowcroft Rockshelter and the Cross Creek drainage (RM. Carlisle and J.M. Adovasio, eds.). Journal of Archaeological Science 10 (1983): 308.
Die Erforschung der antiken Oase von Marib mit Hilfe geomorphologischer Untersuchungsmethoden (U. Bruuner). Geographica Helvetica 39 (1984): 206.
Late Quaternary environments of the United States (S.C. Porter and H.E. Wright, 2 vols.). Journal of Archaeological Science 12 (1985): 81-82.
Geomorphology of Europe (C. Embleton, ed.). Professional Geographer 37 (1985): 115-116.
Quaternary coastlines and marine archaeology (P.M. Masters and N.C. Flemming). American Journal of Archaeology 89 (1985): 524-526.
The ecosystem concept in anthropology (E.F. Moran, ed.). Quarterly Review of Biology 60 (1985): 119-120.
Human ecology: The story of our place in Nature from prehistory to the present (B. Campbell). American Scientist 74 (1986): 437-38.
Physische Geographie der Trockengebiete (H. Mensching). GeoJournal12 (1986): 345-346.
Geographia y medio ambiente (M. Valenzuela Rubio, ed.). Professional Geographer 38 (1986): 127.
Geomorphology (R.J. Chorley, S.A. Schumm, and D.E. Sugden). Progress in Physical Geography 10 (1986): 292-293.
Reconstructing Quaternary Environments (IJ. Lowe and M.IC. Walker)/ /Quaternary Palaeoclimatology (R.S. Bradley). Journal of Archaeological Science 134 (1986): 503-504.
Archaeological geology (G. Rapp and J.R. Gifford, eds.). American Journal of Archaeology 90 (1986): 348-349.
Prehistoric farming in Europe (G. Barker). Journal of Interdisciplinary History 18 (1987): 132-134.
Proceedings, VII th Conference, Southern African Society for Quaternary Research (H.J.Deacon, ed.). Geoarchaeology 2 (1987): 243-245.
Using environmental archaeology (M. Shackley). American Journal of Archaeology 91 (1987):330-331.
The geoarchaeology of Whitewater Draw, Arizona (M.R. Waters). American Anthropologist 90 (1988): 175-176.
Western Europe: A systematic human geography (B.W. Ilbery). Rural Sociology 53 (1988): 523-24.
The evolution of human societies (A.W. Johnson and T. Earle). Economic Geography 64 (1988): 202-203.
Arthur Donaldson Smith and the exploration of Lake Rudolf (P.l Imperato). African Arts UCLA 22 (1988): 96-97.
Regional dynamics: Burgundian landscapes in historical perspective (C.L. Crumley and W.R. Marquardt, eds.). Geoarchaeology 5 (1990): 191-193.
Prehistory of Arid North Africa (ed. A.E. Close). American Antiquity 55 (1990): 202-203.
Monte Verde: A Late Pleistocene settlement in Chile I: Palaeoenvironment and site context (T.D. Dillehay). Geoarchaeology 6 (1990): 187-190.
Packrat middens: The last 40,000 years of biotic change (L. Betancourt, T.R. VanDevender and T.S. Martin, eds.). Journal ofField Archaeology 18 (1991): 394-397.
Conceptual issues in environmental· archaeology (J L. Bintliff, D.A. Davidson and E.G. Grant,eds.). American Anthropologist 93 (1991): 240.\
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