2012 ICAA Poster Winners
The overarching goal of the Conference Series on Aging in the Americas (CAA) mentoring program is to provide the skills, knowledge and experience to prepare the emerging scholar to excel in his or her career path in behavioral and social sciences in minority aging with a special emphasis on Hispanic health.
The CAA fosters the development of emerging scholars in the field of Hispanic aging through its various conference activities, which include a juried poster session.
The following emerging scholars earned recognition for their posters at the 2012 International Conference on Aging in the Americas (ICAA):
First Prize
Stipica Mudrazija, The University of Texas at Austin
Length of stay in nursing homes and post-discharge living arrangements: A comparison of Hispanics and Non-Hispanics
Second Prize
Flavia C.D. Andrade, Ph.D., Illinois University at Urbana-Champaign
Testing sociocultural explanations for Latino health paradoxes: The case of social support and depression
Third Prize
Adriana Reyes, Pennsylvania State University
Left out of the equation: Older immigrants and health insurance coverage