Chang Group @EIPBN 2023

Chang Group attends the 66th International Conference on Electron, Ion, and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication (EIPBN) in San Francisco, CA. The group presented talks on Antireflection sapphire nanostructures by Jeffrey, Anti-dust nanostructures by Andrew, Multilayer nanolattices by Vijay and Metrology of periodic 3D nanostructures by Cody. The group also presented posters on EUV colloidal lithography by Saurav, Metrology of Direct Write Laser Ablation using OES by Briana and Fabrication of nanostructures using colloidal nanosphere assembly by Ethan. In addition, Saurav also participated in the EIPBN startup contest where he presented a poster and made an elevator pitch on Fabrication of ultra-low refractive index nano-lattice material and Dr. Chih-Hao Chang served as the program chair of the conference. Congratulations everybody!

Members of Chang Group meet with the legendary EIPBN veteran Dr. Henry Smith.
Chang Group alumni reunion at the Hilton Union Square, San Francisco.

Briana and Rachel Graduates

Briana and Rachel have finished their undergraduate journey and graduated with their BS degrees! Both have been Undergraduate Research Assistants with the group since 2021, and will be dearly missed! They will continue their graduate studies to pursue PhD degrees, Briana at MIT and Rachel at Georgia Tech. We are proud of what you have accomplished in our group and look forward to your future contributions to engineering and science!

Samuel Publishes Paper

Sam’s journal paper “Engineering Large-Area Antidust Surfaces by Harnessing Interparticle Forces has been published in the journal ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. This work is funded by an SBIR grant from NASA in collaboration with Dr. Stephen Furst, founder and CEO of Smart Material Solutions. You can also read about the research in a News article by the Cockrell School of Engineering at UT Austin. Congratulations!