We live in an age of information. Every day, we are collecting even more data that gives us more insight, and when combined with the modern computation power, helps us improve our understanding of our world. Indices leverage this information to standardize previous measurements, and in some cases, even measure… read more
Why Should Developed Nations Grant Asylum to Pacific Islanders
A federal judge on Thursday ruled that American Samoans are citizens by birth. This is a landmark judgment considering the risk that American Samoa faces due to climate change. This judgment segues into a broader question – Do western industrialized nations owe a responsibility towards smaller and weaker nations/territories at… read more
Climate Change and Black Swan (2/2) – Lessons from Samoa
My previous blog talks about the Black Swan effect and why it is better to be an “alarmist” when it comes to climate change. This blog discusses an event that justifies the need to be alarmist when it comes to climate change. The event is the earthquake in the Oceania… read more
Climate Change and Black Swan (1/2) – A Case for Alarmism
American people’s views on climate change can be broadly divided into three categories- the climate deniers – people who do not think that climate change is a concern, people who accept climate change as a phenomenon but downplay the threats associated with it, and finally, the alarmists – who think… read more