In the wake of looming threats of rising sea levels, intensified natural disasters, and increasingly untenable land across certain Oceanic countries, foreign decision makers have begun to increasingly discuss how the concept of managed retreat may fit into our current global immigration status quo. What may be a more fruitful… read more
I’m the Map, I’m the Map, I’m the Map, but What am I Saying?
As the group crosses into serious data collection and needs visual tools to help express important data trends across geography, it is good time to list the challenges of hot spot mapping as it relates to Oceania. It’s important to remember, hot spot maps are supporting graphics, illustrating geographic trends… read more
Computing Target E from the Sendai Framework
Target E from the Sendai Framework is a measure that estimates the number of countries and local actors that have Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) strategies in place. Its goal is to: “Substantially increase the number of countries with national and local disaster risk reduction strategies by 2020.” However, as it was… read more
Regional Partnership: the Melanesian Spearhead Group
Walter Lini, the first prime minister of Vanuatu, advocated for a “Melanesian Renaissance,” or an expression of pan-Melanesianism. He emphasized solidarity among Melanesian countries and territories. He, along with Paias Wingti (former prime minister of PNG) and Ezekiel Alebua (former prime minister of Solomon Islands), founded a regional group titled… read more
Misleading Maps: Challenges of Displaying Data in Oceania
My first post reviewed the challenges of creating and maintaining data sets in Oceania. My second discusses how this will affect our research, specifically our maps. Our goal is to “evaluate the adequacy of preparations for climate-related natural disasters … and identify priority action areas for the U.S. to address… read more
Example of a Melanesian Consciousness: Decolonization Music
Beginning in the 2010s, a musical movement throughout Melanesia that protests the colonization of West Papua, and, to a lesser extent, New Caledonia, developed. Decolonization music tends to be created at the grassroots level, with artists utilizing social media and other Internet platforms to share their music. A noteworthy component of… read more
Immigration to Australia
At the current trajectory, severe climate change will become a reality and many of the island nations in Oceania, especially atoll countries, will need to find new, sustainable places to live. Some may move internally within Oceania, but others will search for homes in larger nations with greater security and… read more
Race in Australia: Part II
At the current trajectory, severe climate change will become a reality and many of the island nations in Oceania, especially atoll countries, will need to find new, sustainable places to live. Some may move internally within Oceania, but others will search for homes in larger nations with greater security and… read more
Race in Australia: Part I
At the current trajectory, severe climate change will become a reality and many of the island nations in Oceania, especially atoll countries, will need to find new, sustainable places to live. Some may move internally within Oceania, but others will search for homes in larger nations with greater security and… read more
Oceania in Diaspora: Poetic Revelations
Communities living in diaspora commonly express their experiences through various art forms. For Oceania diaspora communities, poetry has served as a common medium through which individuals discuss living in diaspora. In addition to writing about the diasporic experience, some of these poets have also emphasized ‘Pacifikizsing’ literature by “debunking the… read more