Fellowship Opportunities
Pre-Graduate School Internship | http://communication.utexas.edu/ie/ | $500 travel stipend offered for mentoring undergrads! |
National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering | http://www.nacme.org | Engineering fellowship for underrepresented minority students |
NASA Graduate Student Research Program | https://fellowships.nasaprs.com/gsrp/nav/ | Agency-wide fellowship program |
AAUW Fellowships for Female Doctoral Candidates | http://www.main.org/aauw/fellowship.html | $2000 for female doctoral candidates at The University of Texas at Austin |
Graduate Student Continuing Fellowship | http://www.utexas.edu/ogs/funding/fellowships/continuing/ | For students currently enrolled in a graduate program at UT-Austin. Must be nominated by their graduate adviser |
Link Foundation Simulation Fellowships | http://www.ist.ucf.edu/link_foundation.htm | PhD students researching Simulation & Training |
Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate | https://nasa.asee.org | NASA Aeronautics Scholarship Program |
DOE Science Graduate Fellowship | http://scgf.orau.gov/ | For 1st and 2nd year grad students |
Graduate Research Fellowship Program | http://www.nsfgrfp.org/ | NSF GRFP for US Citizens |
Corporate Research Postdoctoral Fellowship | https://aseensfip.asee.org | Recent engineering PhD recipients conduct postdoctoral research in a corporate setting |
NDSEG Graduate Fellowship | http://ndseg.asee.org/ | National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate |
SMART Scholarship-for-Service Program | http://www.asee.org/SMART | The program aims to increase the number of civilian scientists and engineers working at DoD laboratories |
Link Foundation Energy Fellowships | http://www.linkenergy.org/ | For PhDs in an Energy Field |
NSF East Asia and Pacific Summer Institute | http://www.nsfsi.org/ | NSF 8-week Summer Program |
Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowships | http://www.hertzfoundation.org/dx/fellowships/application.aspx | All engineering grad students who are US citizens or permanent residents |
NRC Research Associateship Programs | http://sites.nationalacademies.org/pga/rap/ | Applicants select a research project from among the group of opportunities |
Graduate School’s Professional Development Award | http://www.utexas.edu/ogs/funding/travel.html | OGS Travel Grants |