Category: Features
Salmon Production in Chile: The Making of a Commodity Region
BY BEATRIZ BUSTOS CHILE is a country commonly known for its turbulent political past and its economic achievements over the last twenty years. Neoliberal policies…
Interview: Gabriela Siracusano
ART HISTORIAN GABRIELA SIRACUSANO studies the material dimension of artistic production in artworks from the sixteenth century to the present. An internationally known and highly…
Reading between the Lines at Cajamarca
BY R. ALAN COVEY ON NOVEMBER 16, 1532, the Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro seized a powerful lord named Atahuallpa during a surprise attack in the…
Auto-Determinación Indígena y Tráfico de Drogas en la Región Tarahumara, México
Read in English. POR FÁTIMA VALDIVIA EN OCTUBRE 2018, Julián Carrillo Martínez, defensor indígena rarámuri, fue asesinado en su comunidad Coloradas de la Virgen, ubicada…