On April 23, 2014, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) published a report titled “Options for possible additional land use, land-use change and forestry activities and alternative approaches to addressing the risk of non-permanence under the clean development mechanism.” “Non-permanence” according to the UNFCCC, refers to the temporary nature… read more
Challenges of a Growing Population: China
By 2030, The Economist projects 1 billion Chinese, or 70 percent of the population, will live in urban centers compared to 50 percent in 2014. This presents a great challenge to the cause. In an effort to spread out the growth, Beijing has plans to move upwards of 5 million… read more
Unpacking Land-related Emissions Abatement Potential (Part 2: Forestry)
Continuing from Unpacking Land-related Emissions Abatement Potential (Part 1: Agriculture) Forestry remains the most important part of LULUCF – with the greatest potential as a sink but also as a major contributor to emissions. Compared to agricultural levers, forestry levers are more expensive to implement and oftentimes, in the case of… read more