What are the barriers to implementation? As with any other large-scale and highly disruptive, proposed change, smart grids have faced opposition throughout the nation. Challengers to the technology have cited a number of issues—in general, relatively valid issues—to back up their claims that the movement toward a smart grid society… read more
Energy Efficiency in the Building Sector: An Overview
It is estimated that buildings account for approximately one third of total global greenhouse gas emissions and are responsible for 40 percent of the world’s energy use. However, there is significant potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the implementation of energy efficiency measures in the building sector. Moreover, many… read more
How Industries Fit In: Energy Efficiency Report Part II
Please click here to access part I of the Industrial sector’s overview. In order to address these recent developments in the industrial sector, we propose the following recommendations which target industrial emissions abatement potential and specific barriers towards abatement: Governments must provide technological standards and incentives when equipment standardization is… read more