Climate change communication in the US has always been poor. The media has repeatedly shied away from covering this rather topical issue, and when it does turn its attention to climate change, it is usually under the influence of someone with an agenda. This deficiency in appropriate issue consideration has become… read more
United States
U.S. Federal Regulation of Power Plant Emissions under the Clean Air Act
The United States’ transport and energy production sectors are the nation’s key sources of emissions. Together they produce well over one half of the country’s greenhouse gases. As a result, the majority of climate policies that the U.S. currently has in place or is pursuing target these two areas. And,… read more
A Closer Look at the Global Nuclear Industry
In 2009, Rocky Mountain Institute chief scientist Amory Lovins declared “Nuclear power is continuing its decades-long collapse in the global marketplace because it’s grossly uncompetitive, unneeded, and obsolete”. Mr. Lovin’s further reiterated this point in his 2011 book Reinventing Fire. On the other side of the spectrum is Austin Chronicle… read more