Please click here to access part I of the Industrial sector’s overview. In order to address these recent developments in the industrial sector, we propose the following recommendations which target industrial emissions abatement potential and specific barriers towards abatement: Governments must provide technological standards and incentives when equipment standardization is… read more
How Industries Fit In: Energy Efficiency Report Part I
As preparation for our Major Economies and Climate Change Research presentation, I will be providing a brief overview of industry’s share of emissions within the energy efficiency sector. Specifically, these two posts will discuss the chemical, iron and steel, and cement industries’ abatement strategies and will list policy recommendations for… read more
Whose forest is it anyway? – Political Barriers to Reducing Emissions from Forests
Continuing from my previous blog post which discussed the technical barriers developing countries face in reducing forestry relation emissions, this blog post will looks at how domestic politics can hamper the adoption of mitigation strategies. Measuring forests, converting forest land and preserving forests are all deeply political acts. Any policy… read more