There are a handful of promising venues for reducing global emissions, one of which is energy efficiency. Much of the appeal of energy efficiency is that, in addition to enabling emissions reductions, finding ways to do more with less energy also has economic benefits. However, “efficiency” is a hard concept… read more
Energy Efficiency as a Solution to Turkey’s Growing Energy Demand
Three-quarters of Turkey’s emissions come from the energy sector. Not only is energy already the greatest source of emissions, the demand is also growing steadily. In 2010 the demand rose by 9.4%, almost double the world average of 5.6% and triple the 3.5% increase of the other OECD countries. (This… read more
UNFCCC Releases Technical Paper on LULUCF Under CDM
On April 23, 2014, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) published a report titled “Options for possible additional land use, land-use change and forestry activities and alternative approaches to addressing the risk of non-permanence under the clean development mechanism.” “Non-permanence” according to the UNFCCC, refers to the temporary nature… read more