Working Together – Overview

Cadre of emergency nurses, physicians, and advanced practice providers working in parallel to ensure children receive high-quality care. Access to implementation guides and change strategies for local improvement efforts.

EDs of similar size, pediatric volume and resources combining data to benchmark quality metrics. EDs can quantify the pediatric care provided and optimize local resources.

A network of national organizations representing providers, health care networks, emergency care and quality providing support to members with tools and education.

ED Perspective

Emergency care providers want to ensure high quality care that includes children. The National Pediatric Readiness Project (NPRP) provides the foundation to support quality care. NPRQI provides the platform and metrics to become peds ready.

Community Perspective

Communities and families depend on and trust their local emergency departments to provide high quality care. Families and children are your advocates for optimal emergency care in your community.

Hospital Administration Perspective

Pediatric patients have unique characteristics that place them at high risk for adverse events. Together with family advisory networks and hospital associations, NPRQI provides tools to monitor the processes that can lead to adverse events. NPRQI is one step to becoming a Pediatric Recognized Facility by your state, which lets the community know of your organization meeting pediatric quality standards.

EMSC Partners

EMSC State Partnership Managers, national professional organizations (ENA, ACEP, AAP, ACS, NRHA), health system networks, hospital administrators, and quality leaders (Stakeholder Assembly)

NRPQI Tools and Incentives

  • Peds Ready Guidelines, Checklist, Toolkit, NPRP Assessment, NPRQI Platform
  • NPRQI intervention bundles, Implementation guide
  • Maintenance of certification credit, clinical ladder project
  • NPRQI is one step to becoming a recognized Peds Ready Facility

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