Last year, Ransom Center archivist Richard Workman brought to my attention some journals that he was cataloging as part of the Guy Davenport Papers. Guy Davenport (1927–2005) was an American author, literary critic, and artist. Throughout his adulthood, he regularly kept journals of his day-to-day life and activities (including his… read more
Les célèbres hymnes du couronnement de 1727 par Handel pour le roi et la reine d’Angleterre reçoivent un traitement royal
Justine Provino a obtenu récemment son diplôme de Master de Conservation des Biens Culturels, spécialité Arts Graphiques et Livres, sous l’enseignement de Claude Laroque, à l’Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. D’octobre 2014 jusqu’en février 2015, elle a effectué un stage au Ransom Center, sous la direction d’Olivia Primanis, conservateur-restaurateur en chef… read more
Handel’s famous 1727 coronation anthems get the royal treatment
Justine Provino is a recent graduate of the Master of Conservation of Cultural Heritage program at the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, in the Book and Paper Department with Professor Claude Laroque. From October 2014 through February 2015 she worked as an intern in the Ransom Center’s book lab with… read more