Aegaeum is published by PASP in collaboration with le service d’Histoire de l’art et d’Archéologie de la Grèce antique. Please note that all volumes should be ordered through the link provided.
There is a publication list available for viewing at:
Available volumes include:
- Aegaeum 40: Gaignerot-Driessen F.
De l’occupation postpalatiatale à la cité-Etat grecque: le cas du Mirambello (Crète) - Aegaeum 39: Alram-Stern E. , Blakolmer F. , Deger-Jalkotzy S. , Laffineur R. , Weilhartner J.
Metaphysis - Aegaeum 38: Jones B.R.
Ariadne’s Threads - Aegaeum 37: Touchais G. , Laffineur R. , Rougemont F.
Physis - Aegaeum 36: B. Davis
Minoan Stone Vessels with Linear A Inscriptions - Aegaeum 35: Devolder M.
Construire en Crète minoenne - Aegaeum 34: Crowley J.L.
The Iconography of Aegean Seals - Aegaeum 33: Nosch M.-L. , Laffineur R.
Kosmos. Jewellery, Adornment and Textiles in the Aegean Bronze Age - Aegaeum 32: Phialon L.
L’émergence de la civilisation mycénienne en Grèce centrale - Aegaeum 31: Pini I.
Aegean and Cypro-Aegean Non-Sphragistic Decorated Gold Finger Rings of the Bronze Age - Aegaeum 30: Kopaka K.
Fylo. Engendering Prehistoric ‘Stratigraphies’ in the Aegean and the Mediterranean - Aegaeum 29: Hitchcock L.A. , Laffineur R. , Crowley J.L.
Dais. The Aegean Feast - Aegaeum 28: Morris S.P. , Laffineur R.
Epos. Reconsidering Greek Epic and Aegean Bronze Age Archaeology - Aegaeum 26: Bradfer-Burdet I. , Detournay B. , Laffineur R.
Krès Texnitès. L’artisan crétois - Aegaeum 21: Nowicki K.
Defensible Sites in Crete c. 1200 – 800 B.C. - Aegaeum 15: Watrous L.V.
The Cave Sanctuary of Zeus at Psychro - Aegaeum 14: Hallager E.
The Minoan Roundel and Other Sealed Documents in the Neopalatial Linear A Administration - Aegaeum 13: Renard J.
Le Péloponnèse au Bronze Ancien - Aegaeum 11: Rehak P.
The Role of the Ruler in the Prehistoric Aegean - Aegaeum 10: Palmer R.
Wine in the Mycenaean Palace Economy - Aegaeum 9: Fotou V.
New Light on Gournia - Aegaeum 8: Laffineur R. , Crowley J.L.
Eikôn. Aegean Bronze Age Iconography: Shaping a Methodology - Aegaeum 6: Aegaeum 6
- Aegaeum 4: Renard J.
Le site néolithique et helladique ancien de Kouphovouno (Laconie) - Aegaeum 2: Aegaeum 2