Spotlights: Fall 2015


Name: Maddie Goldfarb
Major: BS Psychology
HCMP Role: Preceptor Coordinator
Classification: Senior
Other Associations: Alpha Epsilon Phi, Liberal Arts Honor’s Society

Describe a shadowing experience that has impacted you the most:
During a pediatric neuro-oncology clinic, Dr. George was the first physician that I’ve shadowed to tell me how wonderful and fulfilling the rest of my life is going to be. Hearing doctors who truly love what they do makes this long journey feel like it will all be worth it.

How has HCMP benefitted your professional or individual goals? I’ve become a lot more outgoing socially. I have learned how to interact with adults on an adult-to-adult level.

What has been your favorite aspect of HCMP? The friendships I’ve made. Our organizations is filled with people of all different backgrounds, colors, shapes, and grades. I would never guess that the diversity in our group would be in the same room together, but our personalities blend to form such a beautiful dynamic.

What do you like to do in your free time?
Yoga, cook and try fun Austin restaurants, listen to live music, read, spend time outside in the beautiful Austin weather.

Spotlights: Fall 2015


Name: Maddie Goldfarb
Major: BS Psychology
HCMP Role: Preceptor Coordinator
Classification: Senior
Other Associations: Alpha Epsilon Phi, Liberal Arts Honor’s Society

Describe a shadowing experience that has impacted you the most:
During a pediatric neuro-oncology clinic, Dr. George was the first physician that I’ve shadowed to tell me how wonderful and fulfilling the rest of my life is going to be. Hearing doctors who truly love what they do makes this long journey feel like it will all be worth it.

How has HCMP benefited your professional or individual goals? I’ve become a lot more outgoing socially. I have learned how to interact with adults on an adult-to-adult level.

What has been your favorite aspect of HCMP? The friendships I’ve made. Our organizations is filled with people of all different backgrounds, colors, shapes, and grades. I would never guess that the diversity in our group would be in the same room together, but our personalities blend to form such a beautiful dynamic.

What do you like to do in your free time?
Yoga, cook and try fun Austin restaurants, listen to live music, read, spend time outside in the beautiful Austin weather.


Interested in doctor shadowing? If your answer is yes, then you just might be a perfect fit for the Health Careers Mentorship Program here at at the University of Texas at Austin! To find out more about us, check out the links to the right.

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