Requirements – Spring 2025

Applicants will need to have completed the following requirements to be eligible for their intern semester:

UT Status

  • Must be enrolled as a student or employed as a staff member of the University of Texas at Austin for a minimum of two semesters following your acceptance.
      • NOTE: We are highly geared toward those without pre-acceptance to medical school.

Course Prerequisites

  • A scanned copy of a CURRENT academic summary provided by UT, showing completion of the following UT courses or their equivalents:

6 hours of biology

    • BIO 311C: Introductory Biology I
    • BIO 311D: Introductory Biology II


    • BIO 315H: Adv Intro to Genetics: Honors
    • BIO 325H: Genetics: Honors


BIO 315H: Adv Intro to Genetics: Honors & BIO 325H: Genetics: Honors
        • NOTE: We will accept AP credit IF both BIO 311C and BIO 311D are claimed on your academic summary.


  • A minimum of 80 hours of college volunteer experience is required to be completed before shadowing. These hours do not have to be completed in a clinical setting. Verification of these hours will be required from the department(s) where the hours were acquired. Formal documentation for verification requires an official letterhead and/or signatures from an advisor. Screenshots of emails will not be considered formal documentation. Please check our FAQs for examples. Clinical research will not fulfill the hour requirement.
      • NEW: We will allow a maximum of 20 hours completed in a clinical job setting to count towards our 80-hour requirement. Documentation is still required for these hours.
      • First-year college students may list up to 40 hours from their high school experiences (with proper documentation) that can contribute towards the 80-hour requirement. Clinical job hours from high school (20 hours maximum) will count towards this total 40-hour maximum.
      • Students who participated in a medical brigade may list this as well (with proper documentation).
      • If you have NOT completed the full 80 hours by the time of submitting the application, simply provide documentation for those that you have completed and describe active plans for volunteering that must take place before your expected shadowing semester.

Recommendation Letter

  • A recommendation letter from a professor at the University of Texas at Austin or from another university that you were previously enrolled at. This does not have to be a professor with whom you have taken a class.
    • Research preceptors, volunteer coordinators, and advisors can also serve as your letter writer. However, be sure that your letter writer can strongly attest to both your academic and personal strengths.

Activity List

  • This list should include planned coursework with class times, as well as extracurricular activities or employment. It is recommended that you use a schedule planning application such as Google Calendar, UT Planner, or Coursicle to illustrate your activities.
  • You must have two 4-hour blocks (total 8 hours/week) free in the mornings to shadow as a part of the program.
    • 8 AM – 12 PM shadowing blocks are highly recommended as medical professionals have clinic/surgery early in the morning.
    • Note: You MUST be able to attend HCMP meetings every Sunday from 5:30-7 PM.

Vaccination record

  • IF you are selected as a member of HCMP’s intern class, you must complete your vaccination requirements before the start of your intern semester. The following vaccinations are required:
    • MMR – 2 vaccinations  OR Measles – 2 vaccinations, Mumps – 2 vaccinations, and Rubella – 1 vaccination
    • Varivax – 2 vaccinations; If you previously contracted chicken pox instead of receiving the vaccination, you must provide a signed note from your parent/guardian attesting to the fact.
    • Hepatitis B – 3 vaccinations
    • TD – 1 vaccination OR Tdap – 1 vaccination
    • Influenza – 1 vaccination for the current flu season
    • TB blood test conducted after January 1st, 2024. If the TB test is positive, a chest x-ray is required.
  • Please do not email your vaccination record with your application. It is only required upon entry into HCMP and must be completed before the beginning of the interning semester. Please note though that certain vaccinations have a grace period between each vaccination in series in order to be effective (i.e. Hep B vaccination needs 1 month between the 1st and 2nd vaccination).

    Submission Instructions:

Application Deadline: October 23 , 2024 @ 11:59

  • You will complete your formal application through the Qualtrics platform. Your recommendation letter must be submitted by your professor to with the file named in the following format: eid_LOR.
  • Please upload all supplemental documents to the upload page in the application.

IMPORTANT: PLEASE NAME ALL UPLOADED DOCUMENTS ACCORDING TO THE SCHEME BELOW. Failure to do so may result in misidentification or missing documentation. (We recommend taking a screenshot of the table below to avoid forgetting the scheme or files needed).

Please replace the fields for the filename scheme with your personal information i.e. for eid_AcademicSummary, John Smith with EID of “abc123” would name his document abc123_AcademicSummary.
Document Type  Filename Scheme
Academic Summary eid_AcademicSummary
Volunteer Documentation eid_Volunteer
Tentative List of Activities for Fall 2024 eid_TentativeSchedule
Application Deadline: October 23 , 2024 @ 11:59



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