Spotlight: Caroline Starling

Name: Caroline Starling
Major: Biology; BDP Certificate in Social Inequality, Health and Policy
HCMP Role: Rotations Coordinator
Classification: Senior
Other Associations: Student Government, Health Science Scholars, Delta Gamma

Describe a shadowing experience that has impacted you the most.
I am always so warmed when I think about the excitement and inspiration I experienced after shadowing pediatric rounds at Dell Children’s for the first time. I was assigned to an attending physician who was incredibly kind and interested in learning about my goals. After chatting a bit, we met up with a team of residents and medical students to begin rounds. We saw a range of patients that morning. As the med students presented cases and proposed diagnoses, I began to realize how much thought goes into treatment plans. The attending physician intermittently asked questions to facilitate learning, and I enjoyed seeing this academic side of medicine. I also enjoyed seeing how nurses, pharmacists, and technicians would join in as we discussed each patient. This collaborative aspect of medicine is one that I love. The best part was the positivity and hope that filled each room once the team would enter. It was evident that the doctors wanted so earnestly to calm fears and to help kids heal.

How has HCMP benefited your professional or individual goals?
Shadowing through HCMP not only solidified my desire to enter medicine, but also influenced the kind of physician I aspire to be. Doctors, nurses, medical students, and hospital staff members offered advice and wisdom that I will always treasure.

What has been your favorite aspect of HCMP?
100% the friendships I’ve made. I have enjoyed getting to know the other students in the organization tremendously. Everyone in the group is encouraging and motivating.

What do you like to do in your free time?
I love spending time with my friends and family – there is really nothing better.