Major: Neuroscience and Biology, BSA Honors, minor in psychology
HCMP Role: Intern
Classification: Junior
Other Associations: Health Science Scholars, UT Alpha Phi Sigma Pre-Health Honors Society
Describe a shadowing experience that has impacted you the most.
Spring 2018 was filled with a multitude of learning experiences, many of which came from being a HCMP intern. HCMP has opened the door to observing and learning from a variety of specialists in treating individual patients, as well as the crucial role of the public health department in promoting the health of the general public. Out of all of these unforgettable experiences, one of the most impactful shadowing experiences is my first one, in which I got to shadow a retinologist. Before joining HCMP, I was myopic and dead-set on what physician I wanted to be, with little knowledge of the field, and even less knowledge of other fields I didn’t even consider. Shadowing this retinologist opened my eyes and mind, as I realized and first-handedly witnessed that regardless of what a physician specializes in, they share the same goal – improving the physical and emotional well-being of their patients. I also realized the importance of teamwork in delivering high quality care in the most efficient way; any paternalistic misconceptions of the superiority of doctors were shattered. Just like he educated his patients using laymen’s terms and analogies to common items, he did the same to me, effortfully making sure that we both understood the condition and the treatment. This eye-opening first shadowing experience helped me appreciate what he, and all the other physicians I shadowed, does, regardless of their specialty.
How has HCMP benefited your professional or individual goals?
HCMP has helped me leave the narrow path and mindset I had and helped pave many pathways to reaching the same goal of one day upholding the legacy of a physician. Not only did I have the pleasure of observing and learning from some of Austin’s finest physicians and learning the importance of the public health sector, but I also received the mentorship and advice from my fellow peers in HCMP. Hearing about their reflections on their shadowing experiences, professional development, receiving suggestions on medical school applications based on their personal experiences have been a few of the other benefits being in HCMP has given me.
What has been your favorite aspect of HCMP?
My favorite aspect has been the friendships that I’ve made. I’ve had the opportunity of befriending some of the most intelligent people I know through HCMP. My fellow HCMP members have similar professional aspirations as I do, and I enjoy learning their unique reasons for their pursuit. We give advice to each other, and we receive advice from each other. We support each other in times of need, and we celebrate our triumphs together.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I enjoy doing things that I can learn and grow from, as well as activities that allow me to relax and momentarily not worry about other stressors. I enjoy making art, graphic art, singing, reading, and exercising. I also really love teaching!