Spotlight: Michael Wright

Tell us about yourself:

My name is Michael Wright and I am a
Junior biology student and an Intern
in HCMP. I am also involved in the
Natural Sciences Council, Health
Leadership Apprentice Program, and
Beta Theta Pi which tend to take up
all my time but when I actually am
free, I hang out with friends, hurt
myself playing IM basketball, and
watch Netflix.

I have wanted to be a doctor for as long as I can remember but I now realize why. I want to go into medicine in order to make a change – whether that be through better care, process improvement, or any other number of factors. During my time in HCMP, I have been exposed to physicians that I believe have the same desire and in one shadowing experience, I spoke with a Urologist about how he organized his clinic and it was incredible to hear how much careful planning went into a design that best improved doctor-patient accessibility. Outside of this, my favorite part of HCMP has definitely been meeting all of the amazing people in this organization and being able to hear such diverse stories from many backgrounds.

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