Event Title: Spring Convention and Emergency Preparedness Training
Date: Saturday, April 15, 2023
Time: 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Location: Norris Conference Center
Target Audience: Open to UTMRC members who are registered with us through Texas Disaster Volunteer Registry (TDVR).
Requirements: You must be registered with us through TDVR and complete an RSVP link. RSVP links will be sent directly to those who have registered with us through TDVR. Click here to learn how you can become a member of UTMRC.
Description: Spring Convention and Emergency Preparedness Training event will include workshops discussing skills, procedures, and prevention in response to emergency situations. In addition, we plan on talking through opportunities within UTMRC involving upcoming events and roles/divisions between interest groups.
Contact Information: If you are interested in attending this event, please reach out to utmedicalreservecorps@gmail.com for the sign up link and additional information. We intend to also double check your status on TDVR beforehand for screening purposes.