Mothers and CAreGivers Investing in Children (MAGIC)

The Mothers and CareGivers Investing in Children Program (MAGIC) program is designed to support feeding throughout infancy and is led by Dr. Beth Widen and Dr. Deborah Jacobvitz. The MAGIC study includes three different program evaluations. The first, is focused on providing complementary feeding and responsive feeding coaching and includes other caregivers. The second extends the program to include earlier infancy and breast/bottle-feeding coaching and support. Both programs include a responsive feeding coaching with video feedback, and are virtual. Our final program brings responsive feeding coaching into CenteringParenting  during infancy and toddler hood, and aims to promote sensitive caregiving during feeding and play.

The MAGIC Program has been supported by many different organizations including the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, The St. David’s Foundation, The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, The Egg Nutrition Center, The National Pork Board, and The Episcopal Health Foundation. From The University of Texas at Austin, MAGIC has been supported by a Dell Medical School Pediatric Research Grant, a Catalyst Grant from the College of Natural Sciences and other internal research funds.

We have begun enrolling participants for the second MAGIC program evaluation. Families who meet the selection criteria will be invited to participate in the early child’s life and will be followed through their first two years of life. For more information on MAGIC Program, please email 

Our MAGIC Team!
